Enade 2008 Prova
Artigos Científicos: Enade 2008 Prova. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: Carlos_Alberto • 5/11/2014 • 3.902 Palavras (16 Páginas) • 288 Visualizações
Compressed Dasd Emulation
• Introduction
• Shadow Files
• File Structure
• How It Works
• The CCKD Command (and initialization statement)
• Utilities
Using compressed DASD files you can significantly reduce the file space required for emulated DASD files and possibly gain a performance boost because less physical I/O occurs. Both CKD (Count-Key-Data) and FBA (Fixed-Block-Architecture) emulation files can be compressed.
In regular (or uncompressed) files, each CKD track or FBA block occupies a specific spot in the emulation file. The offset of the track or block in the file can be directly calculated knowing the track or block number and the maximum size of the track or block. In compressed files, each track image or group of blocks may be compressed by zlib or bzip2, and only occupies the space neccessary for the compressed image. The offset of a compressed track or block is obtained by performing a two-table lookup. The lookup tables themselves reside in the emulation file.
Because FBA blocks are 512 bytes in length, and that being a rather small number, FBA blocks are grouped into block groups. Each block group contains 120 FBA blocks (60K).
Whenever a track or block group is written to a compressed file, it is written either to an existing free space within the file, or at the end of the file, then the lookup tables are updated, and then the space the track or block group previously occupied is freed. The location of a track or block group in the file can change many times.
In the event of a failure (for example, Hercules crash, operating system crash or power failure), the compressed emulation file on the host's physical disk may be out of sync if the host operating system defers physical writes to the file system containing the emulation file. Several methods have evolved to reduce the amount of data lost in these kind of events.
A compressed file may occupy only 20% of the disk space required by an uncompressed file. In other words, you may be able to have 5 times more emulated volumes using compressed DASD files. However, compressed files are more sensitive to failures and corruption may occur.
Shadow Files
An compressed CKD or FBA dasd can have more than one physical file. The additional files are called shadow files. The function is implemented as a kind of snapshot, where a new shadow file can be created on demand. An emulated dasd is represented by a base file and 0 or more shadow files. All files are opened read-only except for the current file, which is opened read-write.
Shadow files are specified by the sf=shadow-file-name parameter on the device statement for the compressed DASD device.
Please note that the specified shadow filename does not have to actually exist. The shadow-file-name operand of the sf= parameter is simply a filename template that will be used to name the shadow file whenever a shadow file is to be created, but shadow files do not actually get created until you specifically create them via the sf+xxxx (or sf+*) command. Please refer to the discussion of the sf command several paragraphs below for more information.
The shadow file name should have spot where the shadow file number will be set. This is either the character preceding the last period after the last slash or the last character if there is no period. For example:
0100 3390 disks/linux1.dsk sf=shadows/linux1_*.dsk
There can be up to 8 shadow files in use at any time for an emulated dasd device. The base file is designated file[0] and the shadow files are file[1] to file[8]. The highest numbered file in use at a given time is the current file, where all writes will occur. Track reads start with the current file and proceed down until a file is found that actually contains the track image.
A shadow file contains all the changes made to the emulated dasd since it was created, until the next shadow file is created. The moment of the shadow file's creation can be thought of as a snapshot of the current emulated dasd at that time, because if the shadow file is later removed, then the emulated dasd reverts back to the state it was at when the snapshot was taken.
Using shadow files, you can keep the base file on a read-only device such as cdrom, or change the base file attributes to read-only, ensuring that this file can never be corrupted.
Hercules console commands are provided to add a new shadow file, remove the current shadow file (with or without backward merge), compress the curent shadow file, and display the shadow file status and statistics:
sf+ unit Create a new shadow file
sf- unit merge
force Remove a shadow file. If merge is specified or defaulted, then the contents of the current file is merged into the previous file, the current file is removed, and the previous file becomes the current file. The previous file must be able to be opened read-write. If nomerge is specified then the contents of the current file is discarded and the previous file becomes the current file. However, if the previous file is read-only, then a new shadow file is created (re-added) and that becomes the current file. The force option is required when doing a merge to the base file and the base file is read-only because the ro option was specified on the device config statement.
sfc unit Compress the current file
sfk unit level Perform the chkdsk function on the current file. Level is a number -1 ... 4, the default is 2. The levels are:
-1 devhdr, cdevhdr, l1 table
0 devhdr, cdevhdr, l1 table, l2 tables
1 devhdr, cdevhdr, l1 table, l2 tables, free spaces
2 devhdr, cdevhdr, l1 table, l2 tables, free spaces, trkhdrs
3 devhdr, cdevhdr, l1 table, l2 tables, free spaces, trkimgs
4 devhdr, cdevhdr. Build everything