Gestão de Alarmes
Artigo: Gestão de Alarmes. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: • 28/2/2015 • Artigo • 248 Palavras (1 Páginas) • 202 Visualizações
Meet Alarm Management
If you need a new machine and don’t buy it, you pay for it anyway but never get to
use it.
—Henry Ford
An alarm is an announcement to the operator initiated by a process variable (or
measurement) passing a defi ned limit as it approaches an undesirable or unsafe
value. The announcement includes audible sounds, visual indications (e.g., fl ashing
lights and text, background or text color changes, and other graphic or pictorial
changes), and messages. The announced problem requires operator action. An alarm is a
construction by which an aspect of manufacturing operation is identifi ed and confi gured
in a binary way to be either “in alarm” or “cleared” (i.e., not in alarm). The condition
of in alarm is passed to an operator via intrusive sounds and notices placed on video display
units or other devices to gain attention. The operator can manage these sounds and
notices only via specifi c “silence the alarm” or “acknowledge the alarm” actions using
the existing, planned infrastructure of the alarm platform. Usually, this alarm platform is
an integral part of the process control system (PCS) infrastructure.
The PCS alarm system is a vital and productive tool for managing industrial process
control plants. Through several unique cooperative endeavors, industry has identifi ed a
best practice for alarm system design. This design utilizes confi guration changes, alarm
reprioritization and balancing, alarm reductions, graphics modifi cations, online fi ltering,
and decision support aids. Alarms perform the vital function of operational integrity
monitoring. Properly designed alarms will notify the operator of abnormal situations
with enough time to successfully manage them.