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Hsrp Configuracao

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Por:   •  30/11/2014  •  1.500 Palavras (6 Páginas)  •  269 Visualizações

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This chapter describes how to use Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) on the Catalyst 3750-X or 3560-X switch to provide routing redundancy for routing IP traffic without being dependent on the availability of any single router.Unless otherwise noted, the term switch refers to a Catalyst 3750-X or 3560-X standalone switch and to a Catalyst 3750-X switch stack.

You can also use a version of HSRP in Layer 2 mode to configure a redundant command switch to take over cluster management if the cluster command switch fails. For more information about clustering, see Chapter 6, “Clustering Switches” and see the Getting Started with Cisco Network Assistant , available on If the switch is running the LAN base feature set, only Layer 2 mode is supported.

For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, see these documents:

Switch command reference for this release

Cisco IOS IP Command Reference, Volume 1 of 3: Addressing and Services, Release 12.2 at

Hot Standby Router Protocol Version 2 feature module at

This chapter consists of these sections:

Understanding HSRP

Configuring HSRP

Displaying HSRP Configurations

Understanding HSRP

HSRP is Cisco’s standard method of providing high network availability by providing first-hop redundancy for IP hosts on an IEEE 802 LAN configured with a default gateway IP address. HSRP routes IP traffic without relying on the availability of any single router. It enables a set of router interfaces to work together to present the appearance of a single virtual router or default gateway to the hosts on a LAN. When HSRP is configured on a network or segment, it provides a virtual Media Access Control (MAC) address and an IP address that is shared among a group of configured routers. HSRP allows two or more HSRP-configured routers to use the MAC address and IP network address of a virtual router. The virtual router does not exist; it represents the common target for routers that are configured to provide backup to each other. One of the routers is selected to be the active router and another to be the standby router, which assumes control of the group MAC address and IP address should the designated active router fail.

Note Routers in an HSRP group can be any router interface that supports HSRP, including Catalyst 3750-X or 3560-X routed ports and switch virtual interfaces (SVIs). Router interfaces are not supported when the switch is running the LAN base feature set.

HSRP provides high network availability by providing redundancy for IP traffic from hosts on networks. In a group of router interfaces, the active router is the router of choice for routing packets; the standby router is the router that takes over the routing duties when an active router fails or when preset conditions are met.

HSRP is useful for hosts that do not support a router discovery protocol and cannot switch to a new router when their selected router reloads or loses power. When HSRP is configured on a network segment, it provides a virtual MAC address and an IP address that is shared among router interfaces in a group of router interfaces running HSRP. The router selected by the protocol to be the active router receives and routes packets destined for the group’s MAC address. For n routers running HSRP, there are n +1 IP and MAC addresses assigned.

HSRP detects when the designated active router fails, and a selected standby router assumes control of the Hot Standby group’s MAC and IP addresses. A new standby router is also selected at that time. Devices running HSRP send and receive multicast UDP-based hello packets to detect router failure and to designate active and standby routers. When HSRP is configured on an interface, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) redirect messages are automatically enabled for the interface.

You can configure multiple Hot Standby groups among switches and switch stacks that are operating in Layer 3 to make more use of the redundant routers. To do so, specify a group number for each Hot Standby command group you configure for an interface. For example, you might configure an interface on switch 1 as an active router and one on switch 2 as a standby router and also configure another interface on switch 2 as an active router with another interface on switch 1 as its standby router.

Figure 43-1 shows a segment of a network configured for HSRP. Each router is configured with the MAC address and IP network address of the virtual router. Instead of configuring hosts on the network with the IP address of Router A, you configure them with the IP address of the virtual router as their default router. When Host C sends packets to Host B, it sends them to the MAC address of the virtual router. If for any reason, Router A stops transferring packets, Router B responds to the virtual IP address and virtual MAC address and becomes the active router, assuming the active router duties. Host C continues to use the IP address of the virtual router to address packets destined for Host B, which Router B now receives and sends to Host B. Until Router A resumes operation, HSRP allows Router B to provide uninterrupted service to users on Host C’s segment that need to communicate with users on Host B’s segment and also continues to perform its normal function of handling packets between the Host A segment and Host B.

Figure 43-1 Typical HSRP Configuration

HSRP Versions

The switch supports these HSRP versions:

HSRPv1—Version 1 of the HSRP, the default version of HSRP. It has these features:

– The HSRP group number can be from 0 to 255.

– HSRPv1 uses the multicast address to send hello packets, which can conflict with Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP) leave processing. You cannot enable HSRPv1 and CGMP at the same time; they are mutually exclusive.

HSRPv2—Version 2 of the HSRP has these features:

– To match the HSRP group number to the VLAN ID of a subinterface, HSRPv2 can use a group number


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