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Oleg Vinogradov







Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.

CRC Press

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© 2000 by CRC Press LLC

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International Standard Book Number 0-8493-0257-9

Library of Congress Card Number 00-025151

Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Printed on acid-free paper

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Vinogradov, Oleg (Oleg G.)

Fundamentals of kinematics and dynamic of machines and mechanisms /

by Oleg Vinogradov.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-8493-0257-9 (alk. paper)

1. Machinery, Kinematics of. 2. Machinery, Dynamics of. I. Title.

TJ175.V56 2000



11—dc21 00-025151



The topic of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms is one of the

core subjects in the Mechanical Engineering curriculum, as well as one of the

traditional subjects, dating back to the last century. The teaching of this subject has,

until recently, followed the well-established topics, which, in a nutshell, were some

general properties, and then analytical and graphical methods of position, velocity,

and acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms. In the last decade, computer technology

and new software tools have started making an impact on how the subject

of kinematics and dynamics of machines and mechanisms can be taught.

I have taught kinematics and dynamics of machines and mechanisms for many

years and have always felt that concepts and numerical examples illustrating them did

not allow students to develop a perception of a mechanism as a whole and an understanding

of it as an integral part of the design process. A laboratory with a variety of

mechanisms might have alleviated some of my concerns. However, such a laboratory,

besides being limited to a few mechanisms, mainly serves as a demonstration tool

rather than as a design tool, since it would be very time-consuming to measure such

fundamental properties as position, velocity, and acceleration at any point of the

mechanism. It would be even more difficult to measure forces, internal and external.

There is yet one more consideration. With class sizes as they are, the experience of a

student becomes a group experience, limited in scope and lacking in the excitement

of an individual “discovery.”

A few years ago I started using Mathematica in my research, and it became clear

to me that this software can be used as a tool to study mechanisms. It gives a student

a chance to perform symbolic analysis, to plot the results, and, what is most important,

to animate the motion. The student thus is able to “play” with the mechanism

parameters and see their effect immediately. The idea was not only to develop an

understanding of basic principles and techniques but, more importantly, to open a

new dimension in this understanding by appealing to the student’s


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