Microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas - parafusos de aço inoxidável duplex para âncora
Artigo: Microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas - parafusos de aço inoxidável duplex para âncora. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: maruco • 13/8/2014 • Artigo • 271 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 443 Visualizações
Most buildings have been using anchor bolts
commonly for installing outdoor advertising structures. Anchor bolts
of common carbon steel are widely used and often installed
indiscriminately by inadequate installation standards. In the area
where strong winds frequently blow, falling accidents of outdoor
advertising structures can occur and cause a serious disaster, which is
very dangerous and to be prevented. In this regard, the development of
high-performance anchor bolts is urgently required. In the present
study, 25Cr-8Ni-1.5Si-1Mn-0.4C alloy was produced by traditional
vacuum induction melting (VIM) for the application of anchor bolt.
The alloy composition is revealed as a duplex microstructure from
thermodynamic phase analysis by FactSage® and confirmed by
metallographic experiment. Addition of Nitrogen to the alloy was
found to reduce the ferritic phase domain and significantly increase the
hardness and the tensile strength. Microstructure observation revealed
mixed structure of austenite and ferrite with fine carbide distributed
along the grain and phase boundaries.
Duplex stainless steels have a mixed structure of bcc ferrite
and fcc austenite. The exact amount of each phase is a function
of composition and heat treatment. Most alloys are designed to
contain about equal amounts of each phase in the annealed
condition. The principal alloying elements are chromium and
nickel, but nitrogen, molybdenum, copper, silicon, and tungsten
may be added to control structural balance and to impart certain
corrosion-resistance characteristics. The specific advantages
offered by duplex stainless steels over conventional 300-series
stainless steels are strength (about twice that of austenitic
stainless steels), chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC)
resistance, and pitting corrosion resistance. [2] These materials
are used in the intermediate temperature range (about -60 to
300oC) where resistance to acids and aqueous chlorides is
required. Duplex stainless steels have found widespread use in a
range of industries, particularly the oil and gas, petrochemical,
pulp and paper, and pollution control industries