Phased Array
Dissertações: Phased Array. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: bisnetto1983 • 16/3/2015 • 393 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 322 Visualizações
Tim ARMITT, Lavender International NDT, Sheffield, UK
Abstract. Phased Array has been the buzz for the last few years within the
NDT world but is it any good? We frequently read papers on applications or
receive literature from suppliers of equipment expressing the excellence of
ultrasonic phased array technology but seldom does any of this contain
information as to limitations of phased array technology.
This presentation has been prepared from a realistic perspective giving a
practical insight into the world of phased arrays and discusses the usefulness
of this technology including clarification of misnomers found throughout our
1. Introduction
Phased arrays have been banded about for some time now but few people know that
the first phased array unit was actually patented in 1959. The medical industry has
been pioneering many of our industrial imaging systems for years and phased arrays
are no exception. Our industry however has been relatively slow to grasp the new
technology, most of which can be attributed to two main factors, computer power and
cost! Only this last decade have we more readily been utilising the phased array
technology to expedite inspection solutions previously unobtainable.
Thanks to our medical colleges and some large industrial organisations we are
now able to obtain at reasonable cost detection capabilities and imaging solutions that
may revolutionise the way we perform NDT. This of course sounds great but is this
real or just the fantasy of a brilliant marketing machine?
This paper is aimed at giving a balanced assessment of phased array
technology from a non-sales bias and pointing out some typical misconceptions that
some of our NDT fraternity circulate. The paper will guide you through some of the
myths, misnomers and terminology that surround the ‘black art’ of ultrasonic phased
array technology.
2. One scan sees all
Firstly one myth that unfortunately has been used by some individuals is that use of
one swept angle (other wise known as sectorial) scan ranging though a wide range of
angles can detect all defects in a component or weldment in one single line pass from
either side of the joint! This simply is not true! Phased array technology is not
changing the laws of physics but merely exploiting some