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Simulado Cobit - Perguntas

Exames: Simulado Cobit - Perguntas. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  25/9/2014  •  1.334 Palavras (6 Páginas)  •  803 Visualizações

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Which question is valid to ask when establishing how to manage the enabler performance?

A. Are good practices applied?

B. Is security ensured?

C. Are operations efficient?

D. Is performance monitored?

What type of process goal is compliant with external rules?

A. Intrinsic

B. Business

C. Contextual

D. Accessibility and security

What is the Programme Management Phase in the Implementation Life Cycle called when practical solutions are supported by justifiable business cases?

A. Build improvements

B. Define road map

C. Plan programme

D. Initiate programme

Which requirement was a major driver for developing the COBIT 5 framework?

A. To encourage a common language throughout the enterprise to allow better understanding of IT by stakeholders

B. To be generic and useful for enterprises of all sizes, whether commercial, not-for-profit or in the public sector

C. To provide further guidance in areas with high interest, such as enterprise architecture


To enable enterprises to achieve operational excellence through the reliable and efficient application of technology

What is the name given to an enterprise communication mechanism for corporate values and desired behaviour?

A. Process outcomes

B. Organisational structures

C. Principles and policies

D. Rules and norms

Which requirement describes ‘contextual quality’ in the Goals Enabler dimension?

A. Outcomes should be relevant and complete

B. Enablers are available when, and if, needed

C. Enablers provide accurate, objective and reputable results

D. Outcomes are secured

Which statement is correct about the three COBIT guides, (Process Assessment Model, Assessor Guide, Self-assessment Guide)?

A. The Process Assessment Model (PAM) is assessed by the Assessor Guide

B. The Program Assessment Model does NOT have any value without the Assessor Guide

C. The Self-Assessment Guide is the same as the Assessor Guide, but used internally in an organisation

D. The Self-Assessment Guide can be used to prepare for a formal Process Capability Assessment

Which statement refers to a key component of a Governance System?

A. Stakeholder Transparency

B. Evaluate, Direct and Monitor

C. Plan, Build, Run and Monitor

D. Effective use of all resources

Which activity is a good practice of operating principles within the organisation structures enabler?

A. Publishing a schedule of Board meetings in advance

B. Issuing the boundaries of the organisational structure’s decision rights

C. Defining the structure to delegate decision rights

D. Documenting the decisions which the structure is authorised to take

What is the purpose of the Goals Cascade?

A. Consider the Inputs and Outputs of an IT process in the enterprise

B. Define and implement the Enterprise Architecture of an enterprise

C. Support alignment between enterprise needs and IT solutions and services


Support the definition of clear roles and responsibilities in an enterprise

What is the purpose of the policies element within the principles, policies and frameworks model?

A. To be open and flexible

B. To specify consequences of failing to comply

C. To provide detailed guidance on how to put principles into practice

D. To express the core values of the enterprise

Identify the missing word(s) in the following sentence.

Process [ ? ] is a process attribute for a Predictable process.

A. innovation

B. performance management

C. assessment

D. management

What do Processes produce as a result of their operation?

A. RACI charts

B. Cultural aspects

C. Service capabilities

D. Business goals

What is the MOST suitable process domain for skills such as Portfolio Management?

A. Monitor, Evaluate and Assess (MEA)

B. Deliver, Service and Support (DSS)

C. Build, Acquire and Implement (BAI)

D. Align, Plan and Organise (APO)

Which enabler translates desired behaviour


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