Dissertações: Solidworks. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: • 27/3/2015 • 376 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 303 Visualizações
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Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2014 shows students how to use SolidWorks to create
engineering drawings and designs. The book focuses on the creation of engineering drawings, including
dimensions and tolerances and the use of standard parts and tools. Each chapter contains step-by-step
sample problems that show students how to apply the concepts presented in the chapter.
Effective pedagogy throughout the text helps students learn and retain concepts:
Objectives: Each chapter begins with objectives and an introduction to the material.
Summaries: Each chapter concludes with a summary and exercise problems.
Numerous illustrations: The multitude of illustrations, accompanied by explanatory captions, present a
visual approach to learning. Students see in the text what they see on the screen with the addition of
explanatory text.
Practical application: The text provides hundreds of exercise projects of varying difficulty (far more than
any other computer graphics text). These exercises reinforce each chapter’s content and help students
learn by doing.
Flexibility: With the hundreds of problems presented in the book, instructors can assign different
problems within the same class and from year to year without repeating problems for students.
Meets standards: The text teaches ANSI standards for dimensions and tolerances. This helps students
understand how their designs are defined for production and the importance of proper tolerancing.
Step-by-step approach: In presenting the fundamentals of engineering drawing using SolidWorks, the
text uses a step-by-step approach that allows students to work and learn at their own pace.