Trocando A Cor No LOL
Casos: Trocando A Cor No LOL. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: insane • 26/10/2014 • 1.440 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 297 Visualizações
MaxHealthTicks = 50
MaxHealthMicroTicks = 100
DefaultHealthPerMicroTick = 50
DefaultHealthPerTick = 200
DefaultHealthPerMegaTick = 1000
TickAlpha = 200
MicroTickAlpha = 140
MicroTickHeight = 0.5
MegaTickAlpha = 255
TickThickness = 1.0
MicroTickThickness = 1.0
MegaTickThickness = 2.0
UseCompression = 1
GoTransparent = 1
FadeTimerForHealthBar = 2.0
ZeroHealthAlpha = 225
FullHealthAlpha = 200
DefaultChampionCollisionRadius = 65.0
MPBarColor=15 93 178 255
EnergyBarColor=168 165 35 255
ShieldBarColor=155 155 155 255
OtherBarColor=155 155 155 255
MPFadeColor=0 200 255 255
EnergyFadeColor=240 240 80 255
ShieldFadeColor=255 255 255 255
OtherFadeColor=255 255 255 255
ChampionParallaxOffset = 100
BackgroundTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 66 154 67 160
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 67 154 191 160
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 191 154 192 160
BackgroundTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 66 154 67 163
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 67 154 191 163
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 191 154 192 163
BarTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BarPixelRegion = 67 131 191 135
TickPixelRegion = 124 155 124 155
TickPixelWidth = 1
MegaTickPixelRegion = 160 56 162 59
BarTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BarPixelRegion = 67 114 191 116
TickPixelRegion = 124 155 124 155
TickPixelWidth = 1
MegaTickPixelRegion = 124 155 124 155
; The composition of a unit information bar is still hard-coded instead of data-driven (you can't directly change the information bar's components from this INI file).
; This is a place for future improvements.
HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1
MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5
BackgroundColor = 132 207 132 255
HealthBarColor = 132 207 132 255
TimerBarColor = 205 205 205 255
HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1
MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5
BackgroundColor = 255 115 115 255
HealthBarColor = 255 115 115 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255
HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1
MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5
BackgroundColor = 255 115 115 255
HealthBarColor = 255 115 115 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255
HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1
MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5
BackgroundColor = 117 182 226 255
HealthBarColor = 117 182 226 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255
HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1
MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5
BackgroundColor = 220 99 255 255
HealthBarColor = 220 99 255 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255
HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1
MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5
BackgroundColor = 220 99 255 255