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Por:   •  3/6/2015  •  Resenha  •  1.344 Palavras (6 Páginas)  •  450 Visualizações

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1) Escreva a forma comparativa destes adjetivos:

Hot                        _____hotter_____

  1. Short                ________________
  2. Difficult                ________________
  3. Beautiful                ________________
  4. Noisy                 ________________
  5. Thin                ________________
  6. Close                 ________________
  7. Easy                ________________
  8. Rich                ________________

2. Escreva frases comparativas:

The Nile / the Amazon

The Nile is longer than the Amazon

1 Canada / Brazil (big)


2 Tessa / Deborah (pretty)


3 Driving / flying (dangerous)


4 My English (bad)


5 This chair / that chair (comfortable)


6 He /his wife (Young)


7 Buses /trains (cheap)


8 your car / mine (good )


3. Escreva frases comparativas, Tóquio, Roma e Nova York, usando as informações do quadro.


Founded 43 AD by the Romans

Population 6,754,000

Area 1,580 sq km

Temperatures 4°C – 18°C

Rainfall 610 mm

40 miles/64 km from the sea


Founded 1456 AD as Edo

Population 11,807,000

Area 1,250 sq km

Temperatures 3°C – 26°C

Rainfall 1,563 mm

On the Pacific coast


Founded 753 BC by Romulus

 Population 2,831,000

Area 1,508 sq km

Temperatures 8°C – 25°C

Rainfall 744 mm

16 miles/24 km from the sea

New York

Founded 1609 AD as New

Population 7,071,639

Area 956 sq km

Temperatures 1°C – 23°C

Rainfall 1,123 mm

On the Atlantic coast

4. Escreva os adjetivos opostos

1old  older                                        6  good  _______________________

        2  strong        __________________        7  large        _____________________

        3  happy        _____________________8  serious     _____________________

        4  modern      _____________________ 9  pretty      _____________________

        5  important   _____________________  10  crowded  _____________________

5. Complete as frases. Use um adjetivo comparativo.

        1  Helen’s car isn’t very big. She wants a bigger one.

        2 My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do somethingmore interesting.

        3 You’re not very tall. Your brother is ____________________________________.

        4 David doesn’t work very hard. I work ___________________________________.

        5 My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is ________________________________.

6 Your idea isn’t very good. My idea is ___________________________________.

7 These flowers aren’t very nice. The blue ones are ________________________.

8 My bag isn’t very heavy. Your bag is ___________________________________.

9 I’m not very interested in art. I’m _______________________________ in history.

10 It isn’t very warm today. It was ________________________________ yesterday.

11 These tomatoes don’t taste very good. The other ones tasted _______________.

12 Britain isn’t very big. France is _______________________________________.

13 London isn’t very beautiful. Paris is ___________________________________.

14 This knife isn’t very sharp. Have you got a __________________________ one?

15 People today aren’t very polite. In the past, they were _____________________.

16 The weather isn’t too bad today. Often it is much _________________________.

6. Complete as frases. Use “than”.

        1  He isn’t very tall. You’re taller than him (OR taller than he is).

        2  She isn’t very old. You’re ____________________________________________.

        3  I don’t work very hard. You work ______________________________________.

        4  He doesn’t watch TV very much. You __________________________________.

5  I’m not a very good cook. You ________________________________________.

6  We don’t know many people. You _____________________________________.

7  They haven’t got much money. You ____________________________________.

8  I can’t run very fast. You can _________________________________________.


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