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Fixed Quick-Fix

Resenha: Fixed Quick-Fix. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  11/7/2013  •  Resenha  •  770 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  458 Visualizações

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Bem General:

Fixed Quick-Fix infinite heal exploit

Fixed missing Cow Mangler 5000 particles when running in DirectX8

Fixed Disco Beat Down unusual effect showing through walls

Fixed incorrect projectile speed attributes being applied to giants in Mann vs. Machine

When disguised as a teammate, the Dead Ringer will drop the body of the player the Spy is disguised as

Fixed a bug where arrows and bolts would hit friendly players

Fixed a bug where Strange parts and filters could not be removed from Strange weapons

Fixed the "Show Entire Backpack" option in the crafting panel not preserving empty backpack slots and forcing items to stack


Fixed an areaportal improperly rendering in pl_goldrush

Fixed players getting out of map in cp_standin

Fixed players hiding in vents in cp_standin

Adjusted HDR lighting in cp_processGeneral:

Fixed Quick-Fix infinite heal exploit

Fixed missing Cow Mangler 5000 particles when running in DirectX8

Fixed Disco Beat Down unusual effect showing through walls

Fixed incorrect projectile speed attributes being applied to giants in Mann vs. Machine

When disguised as a teammate, the Dead Ringer will drop the body of the player the Spy is disguised as

Fixed a bug where arrows and bolts would hit friendly players

Fixed a bug where Strange parts and filters could not be removed from Strange weapons

Fixed the "Show Entire Backpack" option in the crafting panel not preserving empty backpack slots and forcing items to stack


Fixed an areaportal improperly rendering in pl_goldrush

Fixed players getting out of map in cp_standin

Fixed players hiding in vents in cp_standin

Adjusted HDR lighting in cp_processGeneral:

Fixed Quick-Fix infinite heal exploit

Fixed missing Cow Mangler 5000 particles when running in DirectX8

Fixed Disco Beat Down unusual effect showing through walls

Fixed incorrect projectile speed attributes being applied to giants in Mann vs. Machine

When disguised as a teammate, the Dead Ringer will drop the body of the player the Spy is disguised as

Fixed a bug where arrows and bolts would hit friendly players

Fixed a bug where Strange parts and filters could not be removed from Strange weapons

Fixed the "Show Entire Backpack" option in the crafting panel not preserving empty backpack slots and forcing items to stack


Fixed an areaportal improperly rendering in pl_goldrush

Fixed players getting out of map in cp_standin

Fixed players hiding in vents in cp_standin

Adjusted HDR lighting in cp_processGeneral:

Fixed Quick-Fix infinite heal exploit

Fixed missing Cow Mangler 5000 particles when running in DirectX8

Fixed Disco Beat Down unusual effect showing through walls

Fixed incorrect projectile speed attributes being applied to giants in Mann vs. Machine

When disguised as a teammate, the Dead Ringer will drop the body of the player the Spy is disguised as

Fixed a bug where arrows and bolts would hit friendly players

Fixed a bug where Strange parts and filters could not be removed from Strange weapons



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