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Por:   •  13/11/2015  •  Abstract  •  335 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  431 Visualizações

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This work aims to show the process and development of a car customization shop. Highlighting knowledge among the subjects taken in the education institution (Fatec) of business management course, highlighting the importance of the project and define the types of services that will provide its clientele. Opening such a small business requires as much planning, both regarding the internal structure, as with the general market by checking the amount of competitors will face, what they've been doing positive and negative in the current market.

At the beginning of the twentieth century have a vehicle was not possible for most people, that's when Henry Ford in 1914 revolutionized the industry created earlier, more effective methods to lower costs was established manufacturing online, the methods had focused on producing maximum to minimum, causing employees to specialize in a single task, making the process faster. However, the vision of lower costs and production efficiency caused, then the best known model of the time, Ford T, had only one color, being of black color. The purpose of this principle was the dried black color faster on the vehicle body, which would increase the rate and reduce production costs.

But mass production and repetition of the methods caused many vehicles have increasingly the same, changing only a few accessories with little innovation. In 2001 with the arrival of the Fast and the Furious film the domestic auto industry suffered another change, this time the market has adjusted to the customized vehicle which before was based on North American vehicles with Dodge Charge and Japanese vehicles with Toyota Supra.

After World War II, and the rise of Toyotism the auto industry has undergone great changes that ensured the sustainability of many companies operating in the current market. According to the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers - Anfavea, only in Brazil in 2014 were licensed 3,333,479 new passenger cars in the country. Despite the economic crisis experienced in the country, the automotive sector still has amazing numbers due to new factories recently installed in Brazil


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