Marketing Pessoal
Por: Júnior Adeodato • 9/5/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 647 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 151 Visualizações
E.E.F. |
ALUNO (A): Nº |
01. Passe para o inglês as palavras a seguir. (p. 24, 25 e 26)
a. walkman _____________________ j. disco flexível ___________________
b. Vitrola _______________________ k. Cassete ______________________
c. disco de vinil __________________ l. leitor de cassetes _______________
d. máquina de escrever ___________ m. lousa interativa ________________
e. Videocassete _________________ n. leitor de DVD __________________
f. Radiotransmissor _______________ o. Tablete _______________________
g. Projetor de dados ______________ p. mp3 player ____________________
h. câmera ______________________ q. Smartphones __________________
i. filme _________________________ r. projetor de slides ________________
02. Agora passe as palavras a seguir, para o português. (p. 12)
a. first aid kit _________________ h. sleeping bag _______________
b. fishing rod _________________ i. compass ___________________
c. blankets ___________________ j. tent _______________________
d. clothing ___________________ k. flashlight _________________
e. umbrella __________________ i. GPS _____________________
f. map ______________________ m. Food ____________________
g. insect repellent _____________ n. Batteries _________________
03. Escreva BT (Before Traveling) antes de viajar e WT (When Traveling) quando em viagem. (p. 35)
a. ( ) Prepare your documents.
b. ( ) Do not carry a lot of money.
c. ( ) Search for information about the univesiy or college on the internet.
d. ( ) Carry a wallet that is not your real wallet with a little money in it.
e. ( ) Take care of your luggage and write your name and address on it.
04. Complete as frases com o pronome reflexivo correto. (p. 117)
a. We enjoyed ________________ immensely at the party last Saturday.
b. The children are not behaving ________________
c. I cut ________________ with a knife this morning.
d. Marilyn Monroe killed ________________with an overdose of pills in 1962.
e. That pretty girl looks at ________________ in the mirror all the time.
05. Complete with relative pronoun that... (p. 32) Complete com o pronome relativo que...
a. substitutes a person: ____________________
b. substitutes a thing (an object, an anmal etc.): ________________
c. substitutes a date or period of time: ________________________