Por: AislanGomes • 8/9/2017 • Relatório de pesquisa • 812 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 258 Visualizações
Barack Hussein Obama Jr. is an American politician, elected President of the United States in November 2008, is the first black man to take command of the country.
Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961. Son of Ann Dunham (white woman, born in the state of Kansas) and Barack Obama (black man, born in Kenya),
When little Obama was two, his parents divorced. His father joined Harvard University and, after completing it, returns to Kenya. In 1982, Barack Obama (father), died in an automobile accident.
At age ten, however, the boy returned to Hawaii, where he lived under the care of his maternal grandparents.
He attended Occidental College of Los Angeles, preparatory school, which made it possible for him to enter Columbia University in New York, where he graduated in Political Science in 1985. After a brief stay in Chicago, he entered Harvard Law School, finishing his Doctorate In 1991.
Working at a law firm in Chicago, where he met his wife, Michelle Robinson. Obama and Michelle were married in 1992 and had two daughters, Malia, who was born in 1999, and Sasha, born in 2001.
In November, Obama won the contest and was elected the 44th president of the United States, being hailed as the first black man to rule the country. But Obama himself makes it clear that this racial issue is secondary. In his words: "There is not a black America and a white America and a Latin America and an Asian America. There is the United States of America."
There is also talk of Obama's inexperience, particularly in the more tense international issues, such as the role of the United States in Iraq. To counteract this, Joe Biden, a senator from Delaware, was elected Vice President Joe Biden, one of the longest serving politicians in the US Congress, with six terms in the Senate.
Barack Hussein Obama Jr. é um político norte-americano, eleito presidente dos Estados Unidos em novembro de 2008, é o primeiro negro a conquistar o comando do país.
Barack Hussein Obama Jr. nasceu em Honolulu, Hawaí, no dia 4 de agosto de 1.961. Filho de Ann Dunham (mulher branca, nascida no estado do Kansas) e de Barack Obama (homem negro, nascido no Kenia),
Quando o pequeno Obama tinha 2 anos, seus pais se divorciam. Seu pai ingressou na Universidade de Harvard e, depois de concluí-la, retorna ao Kenya. Em 1.982, Barack Obama (pai), faleceu em um acidente automobilístico.
Barack Hussein Obama Jr. passou parte da infância no Havaí e na Indonésia, para onde sua mãe se mudou depois de divorciar-se do pai e se casar novamente. Aos dez anos, porém, o menino retornou ao Havaí, onde viveu sob os cuidados dos avós maternos.
Freqüentou o Occidental College de Los Angeles, escola preparatória, que possibilitou seu ingresso na Columbia University em Nova Iorque, onde se formou bacharel em ciências políticas em 1985. Após uma breve estadia em Chicago, ingressou na Escola de Direito de Harvard, terminando seu Doutorado em 1991. Em Harvard, Obama foi presidente da Harvard Law Review (uma espécie de jornal mensal para os acadêmicos). Entrou para a história, pois foi