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“Checklist on elements to analyze the Value chain and the Resources and capacities model for Ferrero Rocher"

Professor. Marcia Nelly Villasana Campos

                                                                   Mariana Aldana Cárdenas        A00829199

                                                                    Anette Guajardo Arizpe           A01720918    


                                                                  Melissa Gallegos López            A01381732

Ferrero Rocher, was the first manufacturing company in Italy, after the Second World War, to open in factories and offices, which became an international company. Ferrero Rocher is a family business which has been three generations, with much success and work. A decisive factor was the products "invented" by the family, and also a success factor were the sales organization they had.

The mission and vision of the company is, to be one of the products with greater food safety, with the appropriate artisanal care, a good quality product, with the freshness of the product, the best raw materials and a good consideration of the client, with All these aspects seek to be the maximum reference and consumption of chocolate.

The stakeholders are all those that can affect or are affected by the company's activities. Some of the stakeholders affected internally in the company are; shareholders, managers and the workers themselves. And in external situations are the customers, who are all ages and a general public who like chocolates, Nutella and Tic Tac, suppliers, the local community, creditors, and government.

Ferrero Rocher's value chain is as follows:

1. Company infrastructure: Location in Asia, Europe and America, customer relationship, finance, management.

2. Human resources management: Customer services, evaluation center, training, employee composition, motivation, incorporation.

3. Technology development: website, social networks, technology within the store

4. Purchases: rent, strategic alliances, food inventory, furniture, kitchen tools, work space organization. Different tastes of chocolate in Asia, the United States and Europe.

5. Inbound logistics: Recipe for frozen products and the necessary ingredients to make them, cleaning products and tools, inventory control and registration.

6. Operations: Food cooking, employees training.

7. Outbound logistics: Transportation, FedEx, employee service.

8. Marketing and Sales: advertising commercials, social media publications, sales strategy and promotions.

9. Services: Corporate events, sweets, chocolate, cocoa, hazelnut cream, gift product.

The tangible and intangible resources that Ferrero Rocher presents are:

1. Tangible resources: advertising, real estate, the land and the building where the premises are located.

2. Intangible resources: Licenses, software, copyright, reputation, whether negative or positive, of customers.

Ferrero Rocher's strengths and weaknesses are:


  • Good quality in your products
  •  Variety
  • International recognition
  • Constant renewal
  • Diversity


  • Differentiation and exclusivity of products of different brands
  • 100% natural products
  • Customer loyalty
  • Large machinery for product development


  • Product withdrawal.
  • Difficult to enter specific markets.
  • Selected objective (its objective is chocolate, not another).


  • Generation changes.
  • Customers look for innovation, somewhat different, and the company is a traditional (old) company.
  • Being a good quality product, the product is not as accessible for its cost and the manufacture of chocolate is not common.

The management and leadership style observed in the company Ferrero Rocher which has been since 1949 is; visionary, since the company is always trying to innovate and is trying to achieve all its goals and visions which today are a very prestigious international company which is in the fourth position in the world of chocolate companies. In the same way the company is a bit conservative, since its main product remains the same and they have not innovated it, I think that Ferrero Rocher have to be a little more innovative and a little more creative in their products.


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