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The impact of company resources

Por:   •  5/5/2016  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  382 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  289 Visualizações

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The success in developing a good strategy on NPD needs to take in count different concepts, theories, tools, and literature subjects; over the years we have seen how the new product development discipline have got many key factors to explain how this works. The main columns of this area are based on three types of literature so we found the NPD literature, the organizational literature and the globalization literature; all of this creates a lot of branches that can be thoroughly studied separately.

Today most of the theories and research in NPD are focus on the domestic scenario and they are applied sometimes as if they where planed to be global generating problems and losses to the firms, one of the keys to NPD success is having the correct information of different areas and processing them correctly. Talking about Global NPD we need to make sure that the company have the launch capability and the knowledge to enter to the new market and accomplish the integration with the environment. Multinational companies have teams made up of members who are in different parts of the world so that technology is key to developing a fluid communication between members and thus the job done effectively.

To achieve our goals quickly and successfully we must implement our knowledge not only because they do not give us a complete vision so we need the knowledge of different people that are developed in different areas of the company and the key recourse for this to work is the involvement of the senior managers so they can linked the vision of the firms and guide the team to achieve the goals. We live in a global world but that doesn’t mean that we all like the identical things or we think in the same way, so that is why companies need to put special attention in the presence and harmonization strategy so they will be able to manage them the easiest way and so avoid unnecessary costs.

In conclusion we must consider multiple scenarios and implement different actions and initiatives so that we can have control of the situation taking our strategies step by step and thus to contain faults in time, but this is a job that must develop throughout the company so that we achieve the broaden our horizons.


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