Por: Cátia Almeida • 28/11/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 358 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 348 Visualizações
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Management of Business Relationships and Networks
Case assignment
Value Co-Creation in Industrial Buyer-Seller Partnerships
– Creating and Exploiting Interdependencies
Written by Group1 Ivana Markovic Milica Velickovic Gareth Neale Rowe
Vitor Hugo Nogueira Madeira Pia Dölling
October 14, 2015
- Introduction 1
- Main issue 1
- Structure 1
- Description of the relationship 2
- The Interaction 2
- The interacting parties 3
- Interaction Environment 4
- The Atmosphere 4
- Development of the relationship 5
- Theoretical model 5
- Application of the Theoretical model 6
- Characterization of the relationship 7
- Traditional buying-selling relationship (1970 – 1990) 8
- Pre-relationship years 9
- The first five-year-cooperation-agreement 10
- Trust and Conflict in a relationship- Case study 12
- About the model 12
- The Trust and Conflict between focal Buyer and Seller 12
- Collision vs. connection between theory and empirical research 13
- Theoretical influences on the empirical case 13
- Conclusion 14
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