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Management of Business Relationships and Networks

Case assignment

Value Co-Creation in Industrial Buyer-Seller Partnerships

– Creating and Exploiting Interdependencies

Written by Group1 Ivana Markovic Milica Velickovic Gareth Neale Rowe

Vitor Hugo Nogueira Madeira Pia Dölling

October 14, 2015


  1. Introduction        1
  1. Main issue        1
  2. Structure        1
  1. Description of the relationship        2
  1. The Interaction        2
  2. The interacting parties        3
  3. Interaction Environment        4
  4. The Atmosphere        4
  1. Development of the relationship        5
  1. Theoretical model        5
  2. Application of the Theoretical model        6
  1. Characterization of the relationship        7
  1. Traditional buying-selling relationship (1970 – 1990)        8
  2. Pre-relationship years        9
  3. The first five-year-cooperation-agreement        10
  4. Trust and Conflict in a relationship- Case study        12
  1. About the model        12
  2. The Trust and Conflict between focal Buyer and Seller        12
  1. Collision vs. connection between theory and empirical research        13
  1. Theoretical influences on the empirical case        13
  1. Conclusion        14

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