Apresentação análise de audiência
Abstract: Apresentação análise de audiência. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: valeriano • 12/12/2013 • Abstract • 2.952 Palavras (12 Páginas) • 260 Visualizações
Hints about Research Presentation
Research Paper II
Valeriano Kataya
DBA 862
Instructor: Dr. Domingos Salgado
April 12, 2013
A good oral presentation reflects a domain on different criteria required to achieve this skill.
Oral presentation requires a persuasive attitude whose communication can appeal to audience attention.
Aspects such as impromptus speaking and extemporaneous presentation, the motivated sequence and cause and effect etc contribute to the fact of getting an oral presentation well prepared.
Speakers need to know and understand the sort of audience he /she is addressing the message. It can facilitate the communication.
The present research paper presents hints that influence a good oral presentation in positive and negative sense.
It starts with an approach concerning with an audience analysis, an aspect that seek to present the need of an oral presenter to know in details, the sort of audience he or she is addressing to before his or her oral presentation. Then, it establishes the differences related to the following terms such as:
a) Impromptu speaking and an extemporaneous presentation.
(b) The motivated sequence and the cause/effect/ solution pattern of organization.
(c) The rule of three in organizing and the rule of thirds in visualizing.
(d) Clutter and jargon in the delivery of a presentation.
Along this work, the paper is trying to present some concepts related to the key topics and also criteria to consider into acting as an oral presenter.
The paper is structured into three sections which are: review of literature, where there will be announced concepts and differences between terms presented above, next practical and research implications where the author will try to show the impact of this approach to the readers in two perspectives: practical and research; and finally a conclusion to close up this research paper.
Review of literature
Most of questions to be approached on oral presentation are audience –centered. That’s why before writing about different aspects related, it is important to refer to audience analysis.
Audience analysis
Schindler and Cooper (2011) affirm that good speakers understand that the primary purpose of their presentation is to gain a desired response from their listeners. The ultimate success of their presentation depends on the speaker’s ability to anticipate audience response. It can be understood that a good result of any oral presentation depends on the fact of getting an audience interested in the subject the presenter is referring about.
In this case, the presenter has to get his audience involved to what is intended to be presented.
To get your audience involved in an oral presentation, the presenter must take on account the three questions:
1. Who will I be addressing?
2. Why my listeners really care about the information I present?
3. What do I want the audience to know, believe, and or do because of my presentation (Schindler and Cooper, 2011: 602)?
The answer to these questions helps develop your presentation efficiently.
A research presenter must know the kind of listeners who is going to take part to his or her presentation. It is necessary to know the nature and the need of the group, whether or not are familiar with the subject to be approached.
The speaker must know the pertinence and importance of the topic to present in relation to the group. He or she must understand the topic and then domain which topic in subject should be useful as to be presented.
Knowing what you expect your audience to know, helps you setting up borders from your oral presentation and fulfill your planned objectives.
Impromptu speaking and an extemporaneous presentation.
This section tries to show the importance of knowing how the speaker delivers the message to listeners and also present the difference between impromptu speaking and an extemporaneous presentation.
It also indicates how useful it is for a presenter to know the moment at which he or she has to use it.
Impromptu speaking:
The impromptu speech is given without any preparation, any notes or other additional materials; it is a spontaneous reaction to the topic at hand which may introduce an interesting turn to the discussion. Basically, the impromptu speech initiates a new idea, a new angle of analysis, and the like. The topic area is limited and the audience is prepared to discuss it in detail. (http://www.speech-guru.com/impromptu_speech.php).
In oral presentation, the speaker must take into consideration the various situations that may occur along the speech. There may arise questions that the speaker is expected to respond or explain. In this case, the impromptu speech is the posture to be taken. It can also be a presenter intentional option. In this case he/she must consider the following structure.
Launch one or two of the new initiatives within the topic area.
Describe each initiative in detail, giving equal time and energy to them.
Discuss how your viewpoint will benefit to the audience.
The conclusion may be in the form of a question to inquire whether or not anything was lost.
Extemporaneous presentation
It is audience –centered and made from minimal notes. This mode permits the speakers to be natural, conversational, and flexible. Says still that it is the best choice for an organizational