Case Study - Organic Food
Trabalho Escolar: Case Study - Organic Food. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: beatriz.ocorrea • 24/4/2013 • 690 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 935 Visualizações
1a) The advertisement would show a regular person, not a downward social comparison, with positive attitudes with environmental and health, with whom heathy people would feel identified, going to work by bike, recycling the trash, and then going to grocery and choosing the non-organic products, showing how contradictory this attitude is to his way of life. We would show all the process this food passed through, the pesticides, the pollution it can cause, the harm it causes to this person’s body. After all a brief explanation about how organic food is produced, how better it is for a person’s health.
1b) The theory of dissonance cognition explains that when one person has one belief but acts in an opposite way this person feels uncomfortable and so seeks for ways to feel better, even in this non harmonic situation. To feel better they can justify the attitude, reduce the importance of one of the cognitions or change one of the cognitions. In this case the person looks for a healthy life but do not consume the organic food what causes a dissonant cognition. The idea of this advertisement would be taking this person back out of the comfort he/she found in the dissonant cognition situation, make her/him rethink about feeding and try to influence them to change one of the cognitions, the attitude of not buying organic food. The intention is showing how organic food fits to their way of life and how they would feel better consuming it.
2a) The marketing promotion considered the reasons that made this people never tried the organic products. The main reasons mentioned in the case are: high prices, no reason for trying, no difference recognition, not trusting the organic stamp and way of production, organic foods are for hippies, lack of knowledge about the products. To try to cover the biggest part of this market the promotion would expose cards in the markets with information about organic food, questioning if/how people care about their health, about what they eat, and information about the quality control related to the organic food stamp. Besides it this cards would have some discount tickets for those who want to buy organic food in this market. Some markets would have also free tasting of some organic products, showing its different taste, better quality, showing how better it is for this person’s health and how regular food can be is harmful. The degustation would make them try the food to recognize the difference and would make people more willing to buy the product after trying.
2b) The self-perception theory says that people have their attitudes and opinions influenced by their own behavior and by the conclusion of why they had that behavior. The foot-in-the-door technique explains that when the influencer asks for a sample concession and have a positive answer, then he is more willing to have a positive concession for a more significant request. In this case the promotion is giving benefits such as tasting and discount coupons to the costumers, that accept the idea, and then it makes easier for the influencer to sell the product. By this promotion, considering the reasons why this market has never tried the organic products, we would be able to bring more possible consumers. The ones who think it is expensive would have a discount and would rethink if it is not worth to pay more for tasteful and healthier food. The ones who had no knowledge would get in contact with information, the ones who had