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Close Your Eyes And Make Believe

Artigos Científicos: Close Your Eyes And Make Believe. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  14/9/2014  •  272 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  308 Visualizações

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Close your eyes and make believe

This is where you wanna be

Forgetting all the memories

Try to forget love

'Cause love's forgotten me

Well, hey, hey, baby

It's never too late

Pretty soon you won't remember a thing

And I'll be as distant as stars

Reminiscing, your heart's been wasted on me

You've never been so used as I'm using you, abusing you

My little decoy

Don't look so blue

You should've seen right through

I'm using you

My little decoy

My little decoy

Living life inside a dream

Time is changing everything

Forgetting all the memories

And I'm forced into you

Just 'cause you're into me


Close your eyes and make believe

This is where you wanna be

Forgetting all the memories

Try to forget love

'Cause love's forgotten me

Well, hey, hey, baby

It's never too late

Pretty soon you won't remember a thing

And I'll be as distant as stars

Reminiscing, your heart's been wasted on me

You've never been so used as I'm using you, abusing you

My little decoy

Don't look so blue

You should've seen right through

I'm using you

My little decoy

My little decoy

Living life inside a dream

Time is changing everything

Forgetting all the memories

And I'm forced into you

Just 'cause you're into me

Well, hey, hey, baby

It's never too late

When I'm gone you won't remember a thing

But I can't stay

And no, I won't wait



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