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Communications Technology

Artigos Científicos: Communications Technology. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  8/10/2013  •  478 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  343 Visualizações

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Since the appearance of the human being, there has always been an ambition to reach the next step in technological evolution. Since the appearance of the wheel to the creation and development of computers, technology has played an important role in society.

Since the introduction of information technology in society, global communication has been made easier, when it comes to time and costs. Since the telegraph, radio and television, and computers, these technologies have intensified the dissemination of news, ideas and information globally, contributing to the process of globalization that currently defines the different cultures. In addition to facilitating access to information to the citizens, the technologies of communication also allowed not only the development of the economic sector and art as well as the evolution of the world press.

With the introduction of internet, global communication was further expand, and can establish contact with other people across the world in a matter of seconds. This made it possible to form communities open to anyone, in order to share ideas, discuss the most various themes and campaigns worldwide. The availability of information also became much more affordable, because with the internet you can search on any topic and collect existing information on this subject more quickly and easily than trying to do this research in a library, for example.

The internet has also had its contribution to the social level. The introduction of electronic mail, chat rooms and social networking brought to life of any person communication alternatives quite comfortable. This point is controversial, but in fact all these options considerably decreased the distance between people, regardless of where they are located.

On the other hand, we have to deal with some of the disadvantages of technological communication.

One of the most controversial issues regarding the impact of new technologies is to social isolation. Some experts claim that the " life " online as one of the main reasons for increasing, people feel more isolated because today, as discoursed above, the amount of online communities that makes many people have more virtual friends than next .

Another disadvantage of this economic order, with respect to cybercrime .

Crimes such as fraud, invasion of personal network that can result in a cyber attack or theft of confidential data have been common.

Communication technologies also play a key role in the global economy. Everything that was described on the expansion of global communication can be adapted to the economy, specifically the use of media more confortable as mail, telephone and fax for exchange of information between companies and will also contribute to the expansion of services worldwide.

Anyone using the internet, you can purchase an item in any of the continents, and receive the product at home just days after doing the buying.


The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies On Our Lives. Available at

New information and communication technologies


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