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Plano De Negocio

Casos: Plano De Negocio. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  16/12/2014  •  408 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  253 Visualizações

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Assignment 1 (For Business Decisions)

Research Report on Peoples Spending Habits at Christmas time.

I formulated a questionnaire containing nine questions, to get an insight into people’s opinions and spending habits over the Christmas period. I decided to choose this topic, because Christmas time is coming up soon and I was really interested to know how people are going to manage financially with the economy being deep in recession at the moment. I interviewed a group of fifteen students people randomly from different backgrounds, both male and female so that I could produce a Statistical survey from a cross section of Irish society. The following report details my research findings:

As well as what the questions of this reports says, the reader should look at what it demonstrates on the graphs of each question to understand better. For example I am going to point few of them just to give a briefly idea of my questionnaire.

The first question I asked people was what was their favourite month of the year, with a view to finding out how important Christmas is to people. Surprisingly, I found out that December was not the most favourite month, in fact it was the fifth least favourite month of the year. However, in the second question 53% of students, like Christmas time, while only 7% hate it. Also I founded out in question number three, the majority of people is going to spend Christmas night at home, and some of them will go to family house, whereas, few of them is already counting the time to travelling and do some other things.

Another important factor in this research was when I wrote the question about recession, and I gave them five alternatives to choose. Basically, I knew already that most of answers it would be “strongly agree” as Ireland has been affected with recession. So 10 students ticked strongly agree, 5 agree, and none choose the other three options left. Following by question five as is lack of money for everyone, 66% they are not sure yet how much will spend on presents this year. Probably, many people wont get any expensive gift.

To conclude my report, I would like to say that I feel really happy and satisfied about my homework that I have done. I am sure this kind of assignment gave me the opportunity to open my mind and is going to be very usefully in my future when I open my own business.


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