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Por:   •  11/5/2015  •  Relatório de pesquisa  •  1.790 Palavras (8 Páginas)  •  470 Visualizações

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Faculdade Municipal de Palhoça

Curso: Gestão do Turismo                  Data: 02/05/2015                   Nota:_______________

Disciplina: Inglês I – Prof. Dr. Adriano Mafra.

Aluno (a): Adailson  Miguel Malagotti                                                         Matrícula: _________



1- Complete the conversation. (1,0) 

  1. Please, can you spell your FAMILY name?
  2. Sure. H O P K I N S.  
  1. Thanks, Mr. Hopkins. Can I HAVE your ID card?
  2. Here it is.
  1. Can you fil l OUT this form?
  2. No problem.

A- Your room NUMBER is 222. Here IS your key card.


2- Put the words in correct order. (1,0) 

  1. you/ Can/ please/ your/ spell/ name/ last/ ?, Can you  spell your last name please
  2. help/ you/ can/ I/ How ? How I Can help you
  3. room/ is/ number/ Your/ nine    number  your room is nine
  4. you/ Are/ rep/ the/ Go Trip/ from/ ?   are you  the rep from   trip go


3- Read the dialogue and mark T if the sentences are true or F if the sentences are false. (2,0) A- Do you speak Portuguese? 

B- No, sorry.  

  1. No problem. I speak English.  

I’m Pedro, your guide this afternoon. Welcome to Curitiba. 

  1. Hello. 
  1. Are you Keith Sanders?          
  2. No.                                                         (  T   ) The guide’s name is Pedro.
  1. What’s your name, please? 
  2. Peter Carlson.                                                 (  T   ) The city tour will be in Curitiba.
  1. Can you repeat that, please?                                      (  T ) The tourist doesn’t speak Portuguese.
  2. My first name is Peter. 
  1. Can you spell that?                                                      (   T  ) The tourist’s name is Peter Carlson.
  2. P E T E R.                                               (  F   ) The tourist’s last name is Sanders.
  1. Thank you.  

        And can you spell your family name, please?                 ( F  ) The tourist’s full name is Keith Sanders.

  1. It’s Carlson. C A R L S O N.                                       (   F  ) The guide spells his family name.
  1. Is your first time in Brazil?
  2. No. Actually, second.                                                    (  T ) It’s an afternoon tour.


4- Order the dialogue. (1,0)

B- It’s J O N E S.                                                      ( 7   )

B- Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jones.                                    (  8   )

B- Good morning. Are you the rep from Samba Tour?         (  2  )

B- Jones.                                                               (  5  )

A- Yes, I am. My name is Johanna.                            (  3  )

A- Good morning. Welcome to Brazil, ma’am.                  (  1  )

A- What is your name?                                             ( 4  )

A- Can you spell that, please?                                     ( 6  )




5- Write the following numbers. (0,5) My room number is…

A-678: Six hundred and seventy-eight

b- 184: One hundred eighty-four

C-223: Two hundred twenty-three

d- 58:  Fifty-eight

e- 27:  Twenty-seven

        6- Complete the following dialogues. (1,0)    

a.          A- How many nights?

B- 5 nights 


  1. A- That is souza______________________________________

 B- Yes, It’s S O U S A.


  1. A- Your room number is 345.
  1. Thanks


  1. A- Is there an elevator?

B-Yes sir , he's there


      A- convenience store is open ?


 B- I’m sorry. It’s closed.


  1. Answer these questions. Use full answers. (1,0)

a. What’s your family name?  

My family name is... MALAGOTTI

b. Are you a receptionist?          

Yes, it's me

c. Are you a guide?


yes I am the guide and the receptionist

d. Where are you from?  


I'm from Brazil Palhoça

e.  Nice to meet you.  

Nice to meet you too


  1. Write down a dialogue which you have to receive a guest. Follow the script below. (2,0)


  1. Introduce yourself. Offer some help.
  2. Say that you have a reservation for five nights. Say your name.

A- Thank the guest and ask his/ her the passport. Ask him/ her to fill out the form. B- Respond.


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