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Prova ingles

Por:   •  21/9/2015  •  Abstract  •  526 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  656 Visualizações

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9° ANO

3. Number the first column according to second.

(    ) male                   ( 1 )louro

(    ) blond                  ( 2 ) árduo

(    ) hard                    ( 3 ) suporto

(    ) wear                   ( 4 ) macho

(    ) outgoing          ( 5 ) uso

(    ) stand                ( 6 ) suportável

4. Mark the correct alternative based on the sentence.

                            I live with my parents and have a lot of energy

(    ) parentes             (    ) tios                      (    ) pais

(    ) padrinhos           (    ) irmãos

5. Translate to portuguese these sentences.

a) I consider myself friendly and outgoing.


b) I usually wear casual clothes.


c) I like pets.


d) I can not stand bullying and prejudice.



1. Choose the adequate tag questions.

a) They are going to work tomorrow? (are they – aren’t they)

b) Bob arrived late, _____________? (did he – didn’t he)

c) Betty loves coffee, _______________? (doesn’t she – does she)

d) We will go to Miami ________________? (will we-won’t we)

2. Choose the incorrect question tag.

(   ) Lucy took the plane last week, __________________? (didn’t she)

(   ) Lucy is going to take the plane next week, ______________? (going she)

(   ) Lucy takes the plane every day, _______________________? (doesn’t she)

(   ) Lucy didn’t go to travel by plane, ______________________? (did she)

3. Make the question tag.

a) The women worked hard in the factory, ____________________________?

b) The player doesn’t play very well, _________________________________?

c) The student didn’t go to school by bus, _____________________________?

d) The teachers won’t study for examination, _____________________________?

4. Supply all possible relative pronouns.

a) The chair, ______________ you have painted is broken.

b) Mrs. Adam, __________________ is in the other room, wants to talk.

c) The little boy _____________________ you wanted to know is in the garden.

d) The eggs ______________________ you brought are good.

5. Choose the correct alternative.

a) Jeniffer is the fattest girl (wich / that) I know.

b) There is the lady 9who / which) car was stolen.

c) The table on (that / which) you put your shoes cast 30 dollars.

d) My randfather (who/which) is 87, is very active man.


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