Por: Matheus Toledo • 22/10/2018 • Trabalho acadêmico • 1.689 Palavras (7 Páginas) • 165 Visualizações
A MENTAL BEHAVIOR, Rio de Janeiro/2017
Matheus da Silva Toledo
This essay has the objective to explain what is Psychopathy and how the psychopath see the society, disassociating sociopaths and non psychopaths, to give solutions for their living, trying to mantain their lifes in a peacefull lifestyle. This research methodology was.made with internet content and documentary videos on websites. As result, was discovered that psychopathy is not a disease and it don’t have a cure, but can be controled and monitored to don’t become something agressive.
KEY WORDS: Psychopathy. Sociopathy. Behavior. Cure.
This project has the finality to present arguments of scientists and medicicians about psychopathy and how psychopaths interacts with the society, focusing on the causes and behaviors of them. Each chapter details the wrong perspection that they have about rules, relashionships and social interactions.
The first chapter is a introduction to the world called by Psychopathy. Here will be discussed about the psycho tendences and comum behaviors to explicit their difference from the comum sense.
The second chapter especifics the relashion of sociopathy and psychopathy and categorize the differences of both, presenting texts about the psycho structure.
The third chapter is about the Psychopath brain’s and how it works to present arguments and solutions to avoid bad actions from them, trying to amenize the impact at society.
It is unusual to think that a person who is a serial killer can not be a psychopath, but has a lot of laws behind it to classify someone as one.
Use of the term psychopathy dates back to the 1800s; however, it only became a common concept in the U.S. in the 1940s. Initially, psychiatrists proposed that all psychopaths have a superficially outgoing personality that hides a fixed pattern of psychotic (hallucination-based or delusion-based) and antisocial behaviors. Later, the concept of psychopathy widened as mental health professionals realized that affected individuals can have a much wider range of dysfunctional personality traits. In line with the understanding that not all psychopaths are literally psychotic, psychiatrists and other mental health experts started using the term sociopathy as a substitute for psychopathy, and also started using the term sociopath as a substitute for psychopath. Nott (2013)[1]
With the time, some scientists started to say that sociopathy and psychopathy are diferent, one representing the conturbed experiences and the other the malstructure of the brain.
1.1 Psychopathy sympthoms
The traits that reveal if someone is a psychopath are dificult to identifie. Accord of scientists, it is categorized in four groups; Antisocial traits, interpersonal traits, affective traits and lifestyle traits.
The main idea for someone being a psychopath is living in their incapacity to feel remorse or guilty associated with superficial emotion lifestyle to manipulate to have control on other people, dominance at others wishes, impulsive actions, responsability behaviors and some others social problems.
Antisocial traits associated with the condition include childhood behavioral disturbances, teen or preteen delinquency, and involvement in criminal conduct. Interpersonal traits associated with the condition include an inflated notion of self-importance, frequent participation in manipulation or deception, a deeply ingrained pattern of lying, and a superficially appealing social style. Affective traits associated with psychopathy/sociopathy include callousness toward others, limited emotional responsiveness, a deeply ingrained pattern of avoiding personal responsibility, and an absence of guilt or regret for one’s actions. Lifestyle traits associated with psychopathy/sociopathy include frequent impulsive behavior, recurring pursuit of highly stimulating experiences, a pattern of unrealistic life expectations, and frequent reliance on others for financial or material support. Nott (2013)[2]
As Doctor Robert Hare, professor of psychology at the university of British Colombia and word leader in the study of psychopath behavior, said that “psychopaths are not insane, but they have lacks of capacity for empaty, witch difers from lack of contious that is easely explained by intelection deficiency, phsychosis or brain damage.” (Hare, 2013)
It means; psychopathy is a emotional disorder non associated with mental disturbs wich removes the world perception from the individues. Doctors don’t officially diagnose people as psychopaths or sociopaths. They use a different term instead: antisocial personality disorder. Today, both cases are separated from one aspect: The Brain strucuture.
Conscience is the line between what is wrong or right, and almost people have it impressed in their minds. Spite of the low capacity to care, sociopaths can have the vision of what is good or bad to someone as a normal person sees, but they only uses to do what is better to their pleasure.
In another way, psychopaths don't have the capacity to distingue this difference. Their brains lies errors that others don't have.
Recent research suggests a psychopath’s brain is not like other people. It may have physical differences that make it hard for the person to identify with someone else’s distress.The differences can even change basic body functions. For example, when most people see blood or violence in a movie, their hearts beat faster, their breathing quickens, and their palms get sweaty.A psychopath has the opposite reaction. He gets calmer. Kipnis says that quality helps psychopaths be fearless and engage in risky behavior.“They don’t fear the consequences of their actions,” he says. Robinson (2014)[3]