Autoridade de gerente de projeto
Abstract: Autoridade de gerente de projeto. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: sql2005 • 9/5/2014 • Abstract • 386 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 494 Visualizações
W hat the P resentation w ill Cover
The presentation will discuss experiences with
in the
formation and operation of global project
teams including cultural differences, clear
communications, and conduct of virtual
project teams.
P roject Team
A team is a collection of individuals whose
members usually belong to different functions
and are assigned to activities for the same
Usually project teams are only used for a defined
period of time
An additional requirement is that “the team is
identified as such by those within and outside of
the team”
They are disbanded after the project is deemed
Basic P roject Management
N otions
Paul O. Gaddis – Harvard Business Review
– A project is an organizational unit dedicated
to delivering a development project on time,
within budget, and within predetermined
technical performance specifications
– The project team consists of specialists
representing the disciplines needed to bring
the project to a successful conclusion
– The project is finite in duration
Basic P roject Management
N otions
– Projects are organized by tasks requiring
an integration across the traditional
functional structure of the organization
– The project manager manages a high
proportion of professionals organized on a
team basis
– A clear delineation of authority and
responsibility is essential
– The project manager is a person of action,
a person of thought, and a front person
Basic P roject Management
N otions
– Project planning is vital to project success
– The project manager is the person
between management and the
– The subject of communication deserves a
great deal of attention in project
– Project teams will start to break up when
the members sense the project has
started to end
– The integrative function of the project
manager should