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Leaving Home

Por:   •  6/3/2016  •  Bibliografia  •  406 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  206 Visualizações

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Marcella Adjafre        

Ms. Nora Rosendo        


 DATE \@ "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y" 3 de novembro de 2014

Leaving Home


        On the beginning of this year I have decided to study abroad, but I had no idea where, so I talked to my parents to help me with my decision. They gave me all support that I needed. We started looking for some cities on Canada and England but my dream was Santa Barbara on California, but we couldnt find schools there, so we had decided that I was supposed to study in Los Angeles.         

        On August 7, the big day had arrived and I was really nervous, because I was leaving my country, my family and friends to live with people that I had never seen before, go to a new school. I took the plane with my father to São Paulo, another city and there I took another plane to Los Angeles, when I my dad leave me by myself I was terrified.

        On August 8 I have arrived in Los Angeles and my coordinator was waiting for me to give me a ride to my new house. When I get there I was really sad because I was missing my family.

        On my first week here, I went to my school to my first day, and I made a lot of brazilian friends and we have a lot of classes together.

        Everyday after school I always go out with my friends to know a lot of places.  We went to hollywood, downtown LA, Universal Studios, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Venice Beach and other places.

        Now Im on my last month here and I know that everything that Ive learned here I will take for the rest of my life. All of my friends that I made here will be forever, even if we are from different cities and country.


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