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Wqe -ontem Hoje 2012

Trabalho Universitário: Wqe -ontem Hoje 2012. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  5/11/2013  •  348 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  544 Visualizações

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3. Deprivation–satiation proposition: The more often in the recent past a person has received a particular reward, the less valuable any further unit of that reward becomes.

Peter Blau focused his early writings on social exchange theory more towards the economic and utilitarian perspective. Whereas Homans focused on reinforcement principles which believe individual's base their next social move on past experiences, Blau's utilitarian focus encouraged the theorist to look forward as in what they anticipated the reward would be in regards to their next social interaction.[4] Blau felt that if individuals focused too much on the psychological concepts within the theory, they would refrain from learning the developing aspects of social exchange.[3] Blau emphasized technical economic analysis whereas Homans concentrated more on the psychology of instrumental behavior.[5]

Richard Emerson's early work on the theory intertwined with both Homans and Blau's ideas. From Homan's ideas, he believed social exchange theory was based on reinforcement principles. According to Emerson, Exchange is not a theory but a framework of from which other theories can converge and compared to structural functionalism.[3] Emerson's perspective was similar to Blau's since they both focused on the relationship power had with the exchange process.[4] Emerson says that social exchange theory is an approach in sociology that is described for simplicity as an economic analysis of noneconomic social situations.[3] Exchange theory brings a quasi-economic more of analysis into those situations.[3]

Basic concepts[edit]

The social exchange theory explains social exchange and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties. Social Exchange Theory has been generally analyzed by comparing human interactions with the marketplace. This analysis is based on microeconomic principles, in which every individual is trying to maximize his wins. This process brings satisfaction when people receive fair returns for their expenditures. The major difference between social and economic exchange is the nature of the exchange between parties. Neoclassic economic theory views the actor as dealing not with another actor but with a market and environmental parameters, such as market price. [6] Unlike economic exchange, the elements of social exchange are quite vari






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