A Alma Do Romance
Artigos Científicos: A Alma Do Romance. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: joseadm93 • 21/11/2012 • 445 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 773 Visualizações
Now i’ll talk about the best book, in my opinion, it’s Dear John.
John is a man that works for the army and live with him father, when he came of germany to Eua, for visit him father, he’s on the beach and see 2 girls talking. One girl have problems with her bags , and it drop on the water, when John sees, he ran and pick up the bag for her.
When he gives for her, all the love had began with the change of looks.
The time pass, and they began to know more about the other, and the loves appear stronger.
One day, he leaves Savannah to know him father. Later, they talking, savannah say to john that she loves to know him , and she want see him more, but gives a book for John, about people that have mind problems. John don’t accept this, they fighting, she say sorry , she doesn’t know this have happening, she so want to help.
John come back to germany and stay for 6 years, he and savannah ending the relationship, the time pass, he accept all the hard missions on the army, but he has a problem, him father have healthy problems and he needs to come for USA again, him father don’t have so much time, and he decides to pick him father and go to their house, pass 1 week, him father dies, and John knows, the life continue, but he has so much problems to resolve, because of him dead.
John decides to search for Savannah, where her fathers lives. Looking for the houses , he stop in a restaurant, and asked for a man, if he knows Savannah, and see a pot asking money for a surgery, he gives coins.
John search savannah, and they go to the hospital , see the new husband of savannah, and john see, it’s Tim, her bestfriend. John stop, and began to cry.
Tim began to talk with John ,and know, still he loves savannah, savannah loves john, forever, but Tim has a brother, and he needs to live.
John pick up all the coins of him father, sell and pay a treatment for Tim , and they can stay together, John never more appear in their lives.
In the final of the book, he comes to Savannah house just for looking, and see her go out of the house for see the full moon, because of their promise.
And the people questioned me why I like romance, and i just answer, the books of romance is the best, because of the details, don’t matter the final, but how they began to love, and how they fight for stay together