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Romance Inglês

Trabalho Universitário: Romance Inglês. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  28/7/2013  •  411 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  370 Visualizações

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Menotti Del Picchia said in his poem that not to love is to suffer and to love is to suffer more. I can’t say with sure if he is right, but one thing I think is true: the love makes the world go round.

We learn when we are kids to dream with our soulmate. The girls wish a prince, a perfect guy and the boys want a good wife and good mom to take care his children. Even when we enjoy our single life, within us we know that in the future we will have someone. We believe that.

One day we are happy because we dating, in other we sad because we could be doing something else, know more people.

Once you wake up in middle of night and don’t see anybody. Once all we need is a hug, a love hug.

I can imagine what Picchia want to say with his poem. To love is too hard. Involves a lot of thing. You are vulnerable, you worried about with the other, with he/she is doing, thinking, what they feel about you. To love is walking without sight. You can be in the right road or not.

And how about don’t love¿ When we don’t have someone sounds that something is missing. I’m not referring to friends or to work. These stuffs just distract us. Sometimes this busy life makes us forget, but when we least expect, the absence of love is there. The wish of a good kiss or a sweet hand. Sounds contradictory, but the love even when not present it is felt by it lack. You can have a world of friends, you can have the best parentes ever... they are also important in their way, for other things. There are places in us that one friend word not reach, and a look with tenderness make all difference.

Del Picchia said that not to love is to suffer and to love is to suffer more; The Beatles song tell us that all you need is love; Renato Russo asks who will one day say that there is reason things done by the heart; the mom of three kids which lives in small town advises her daughter that not to love is not worth it.

The truth is that love is the universal language. The love makes the world go round. Love is sweet and bitter, bittersweet. But is there someone who does not want to prove or repeat?


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