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Artigo Sobre Corrupção em Inglês

Por:   •  28/9/2016  •  Resenha  •  533 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  380 Visualizações

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Paulo Fernandes de Aquino

The Corruption in Brazil

The corruption in Brazil has started too early, since time of colonization when the Portuguese arrived here, the bigger part of problem was beginning because they took most items expensive Brazil's and  invested all in itself, it mean, after this period and even with Brazil's independence, corruption has been growing and it all these bad examples were placed in our political and social root. Poor investments that Brazil had in education, housing Health, (Maybe even for its great extension) were instrumental in the spread of the 'Jeitinho Brasileiro' came more first place than in the background.

Nowadays, all these things had served mirror at society, but the vision of the Brazilians has changed after years with technology advance and the right of democracy.. it all these has changing the eyes of society about political and rights of people, but of course we have many things to change in that beautiful country than is Brazil, and I guess we'll make this together, starting by the young and show for themselves, how all these events has finished with our country and the solution are in your hands.

One bigger tragedies about bullying, was the columbine school, where they had killed thirteen and wounding more than twelve others before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. After that catastrophe, the police and investigators discovered at house of Eric and Dylan, videos, diaries and messages about how they planned whole action. Through journals left behind, investigators eventually discovered the teens had been planning for a year to bomb the school in an attack similar to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings.
But to whom we really assign responsibility by Such tragedy? That is a question who parents and relatives of victims had been questioned for themselves, one main motive was bullying, but in that case in specific was much more, they were doing it like a terrorist who had intention for kill big numbers people and not just who they did the bullying, this was only the start to spread the rage and hatred they already had.

think the best invention were the computers that created more less fifty years ago and consequently after the eighties came Internet that connected all the world. Even though the computers had been created mainly for help in Second World War and at Cold War, after years and with technological progress they discovery than computers will be much more than tools of War and with the support of big guys Technology as Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple) and Linus Benedict
 (Linux) they created a new tool for maker history in new world dominate by computers and we can used it for the good things mainly business and companies.
Today they are part of our day by day and anything you see you can certain that was built by one computer, but even though you have thousand good things but in many times they are used for the bad things too like buy drugs in illegal sites, porn infant and any others. You can searching better about it, and you’ll see how they easily our life as the automation of houses and electronics domestic for example.


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