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Callan Method

Ensaios: Callan Method. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  9/3/2015  •  464 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  775 Visualizações

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Can we cut bread with the thick edge of a knife ?

Can we say "usefuller" when forming the comparison of "useful" ?

By the "background" of a picture, do we mean its main subject ?

Do dogs bury bones ?

Do ten pennies make a shilling ?

Is the word "sadder" spelt with two "d"s ?

Does tea with sugar taste bitter ?

Is it correct to say - "The thief robbed my watch" ?

Must we handle eggs gently ?

Do horses have paws ?

Does a disorderly crowd usually scatter when the police arrive ?

Does one turn a tap on clockwise ?

Is it easy to read a book upside-down ?

Do we throw worn-out things away ?

Is this sentence correct - "They were never see their home again" ?

Is a bar of gold heavier than a bar of iron of the same size?

Is it nice to be deceived by people ?

Do some people faint with excitement ?

Do people's stomachs grow inwards as they get older ?

Do we get water when ice melts ?

Do we run risks when we cross the road ?

Are there 100 degrees in a right angle ?

Is a miner a person who works in a mine ?

Is a tough person faint-hearted ?

Are tigers harmless creatures ?

Can we use the word "do" with "who" ?

If you bought something for more than its value, would you be getting a bargain ?

Ought we to say "Excuse me, please" when we wish to pass between two people who are Do we screw nails into wood ?

Are our eyebrows above our eyelashes ?

Does water in a pan boil faster with the lid on ?

Is the weather at the North Pole mild ?

Is straw dried grass ?

Can pills relieve certain kinds of pain ?

Are tight clothes comfortable ?

Is it correct to say "She came from a near town" ?

Is it healthy to live in a damp house ?

Do most students have gaps in their memories ?

Do people light candles when there is a failure in the electricity supply ?

Do you like thieves and liars ?


A fence and a hedge/ went round the


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