Prova 9 Do Callan
Trabalho Universitário: Prova 9 Do Callan. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: mauna • 22/9/2013 • 691 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 8.909 Visualizações
Yes – No Quiz Vocabulary Test
No – 1) Can we cut bread with the thick edge of a knife? 1) Tin – Lata (estanho)
No – 2) Can we say “usefuller” when forming the comparison of “useful”? 2) Sympathy – Compaixão, Dó
No – 3) By the “background” of a picture, do we mean its main subject? 3) Entertain - Divertimento
Yes – 4) Do dogs bury bones? 4) Somewhat – Um Tanto, De Alguma Forma
No – 5) Do ten pennies make a shilling? 5) At all – Em Absoluto
Yes – 6) Is the word “sadder” spelt with two “d”s? 6) Run over - Atropelar
No – 7) Does tea with sugar taste bitter? 7) Knelt - Ajoelhado
No – 8) Is it correct to say – “The thief robbed my watch”? 8) Mystery - Mistério
Yes – 9) Must we handle eggs gently? 9) Forbidden - Proibido
No – 10) Do horses have paws? 10) View - Vista
Yes – 11) Does a disorderly crowd usually scatter when the police arrive? 11) Hid – Escondido
No – 12) Does one turn a tap on clockwise? 12) Detail - Detalhar, Detalhe
No – 13) Is it easy to read a book upside-down? 13) Shape – Forma, formato
Yes – 14) Do we throw worn-out things away? 14) Neat – Arrumado, Organizado
No – 15) Is this sentence correct – “They were never see their home again”? 15) Ill at ease - Constrangido, Desconfortável
Yes – 16) Is a bar of gold heavier than a bar of iron of the same size? 16) Escape - Fuga
No – 17) Is it nice to be deceived by people? 17) Clever – Inteligente (Sábio)
Yes – 18) Do some people faint with excitement? 18) Tip - Dica
No – 19) Do people’s stomachs grow inwards as they get older? 19) Hut - Cabana
Yes – 20) Do we get water when ice melts? 20) Otherwise – Senão, Caso contrário, de outra forma
Yes – 21) Do we run risks when we cross the road? 21) Perform – Representar, atuar
No- 22) Are there 100 degrees in a right angle? 22) Trick – Truque
Yes- 23) Is a miner a person who works in a mine? 23) Envy - Invejar
No- 24) Is a tough person faint-hearted? 24) Advice - Conselho
No – 25) Are tigers harmless creatures? 25) Row - Fileira
Yes – 26) Can we use the word “do” with “who”? 26) Rub - Esfregar
No – 27) If you bought something