Conceito de suporte
Tese: Conceito de suporte. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: nobody20003000 • 28/5/2014 • Tese • 5.453 Palavras (22 Páginas) • 222 Visualizações
1. Concept of Support
a. General. When the Director, CDC directs the agency to go from Alert to Respond operational mode, the Logistics and Finance/Procurement Sections of the CDC Incident Management Structure are responsible for providing all event related logistics, finance, and procurement support. During normal operations and during watch and alert modes, this responsibility belongs to the various Coordinating Offices and Centers (CO/CC). The Logistics Support Team (LST) in the Division of Emergency Operations (DEO) will provide assistance to the CO/CCs as required and/or directed by the CDC Leadership during these phases.
b. Taskings by Phase:
i. Watch and Alert Mode
1. Logistics Support Team (LST), Division of Emergency Operations
a. Maintain the Support Services SOP and ensure all associated staff are trained on its contents.
b. Ensure policies, plans and procedures are in place to provide logistical and crisis movement support to CDC response assets
c. Coordinate with PGO to ensure purchase agreements are in place to support the rapid purchase of pharmaceutical and medical/surgical material.
d. Coordinate with the Office of Health and Safety to ensure medical evacuation thresholds and procedures are in place.
e. Provide deployment support (less funding), to include travel coordination and equipment issue, to CDC deploying personnel when requested by the CO/CC.
f. Identify and train on a quarterly basis, emergency travel volunteers that will augment the DEO staff during large scale emergencies.
g. Ensure Incident Support Team (IST) equipment is properly functioning and accounted for.
h. Ensure all deployment support equipment is properly functioning and accounted for.
i. Conduct monthly readiness exercises with the IST.
j. Procure equipment and supplies as requested by the CO/CCs, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for deployed staff..
k. Provide rapid transportation assistance when requested by the CC/CO.
l. Ensure effective capabilities and procedures exist to provide on-site logistical and administrative support to CDC response assets, including communications.
2. Financial Management Office (FMO)
a. Ensure mechanisms are in place to ensure rapid payment of vouchers after emergency travel.
b. Provide financial oversight and support to CO/CCs in managing any money earmarked for a specific event, such as Pandemic Flu.
c. Ensure FMO staff are appropriately trained in emergency finance and ICS procedures.
3. Procurement and Grants Office (PGO)
a. Ensure purchase agreements are in place to support the rapid procurement of medical and non-medical equipment and supplies.
b. Ensure SOPS are in place to support deployed contracting officers if required.
4. Coordinating Offices/Centers (CO/CC)
a. Provide personnel to deploy if required.
b. Ensure any potential international deployers have attended the Preparing for Work Overseas training and the required security training.
c. Provide management of any event specific funds provided by FMO.
d. Coordinate with the Logistics Support Team for assistance with deployment when required. Provide Cost Accounting Number (CAN) if support is requested.
e. Ensure all returning deployers are seen and evaluated at the Occupational Health Clinic, or equivalent, within three days of returning to home station.
5. Coordinating Office for Global Health (COGH)
a. Provide 24 hour assistance with emergency international travel related to pandemic influenza, to include NFT and cable processing, passport applications and obtaining visas.
6. Office of Health and Safety (OHS)
a. Conduct a pre-event medical planning meeting to identify appropriate precautionary measures for CDC responders and medical evacuation thresholds for CDC responders.
b. Prepare all identified persons as potential responders with all occupational health interventions necessary to respond to an event.
c. Assist in the identification of all persons likely to deploy in the early phases of an event and offer preparation services to this selected group.
d. Assure adequate international travel supplies, travel kits, immunizations, prophylaxis and other medical interventions and countermeasures are ordered and available.
e. Assure PPE assessments and consultations to DEOC, planners and deploying personnel are provided as requested.
f. Provide respiratory protection services and PPE training to all persons who are identified as likely to deploy to a pandemic response.
7. Office of Security and Emergency Preparedness (OSEP)
a. Provide country specific threat briefings to all CDC responders deploying internationally.
b. Ensure appropriateness of Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) for use during a pandemic event and update as appropriate.
8. Atlanta Human Resources Center (AHRC)
a. Ensure plans, processes and procedures are in place to address human resources flexibilities (e.g., emergency recruitment/hiring, leave, pay, etc.) and benefits (e.g., workers’ compensation, life insurance, etc.)
9. Facilities Management Office
a. Identify excess capacity in case the DEOC needs to expand beyond building 21.
10. Responder Resiliency Program
a. Ensure all deployers are briefed on resiliency issues prior to deploying.
b. Ensure all deployers receive an operational de-briefing after return to home station.
ii. Respond Mode
1. Logistics Support Team (LST), Division of Emergency Operations