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Do filme "Triumph"

Seminário: Do filme "Triumph". Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  12/4/2014  •  Seminário  •  253 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  231 Visualizações

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1)Depois de assistirem o filme “O Triunfo” faça um breve comentário do mesmo em Inglês.

The film tells the story of a teacher who leaves his town where he was a successful teacher and goes to New York in search of schools with students and teachers unable aggressive. Throughout the film, he suffers from the rejection of the students, the lack of support from the Director does not accept its proposal for teaching, but gradually with dedication this story will revert at the end he gets to the one that was the worst class among the best universities.

2)Destaque alguns Cognatos encontrados ao longo do filme.





3)Escolha uma frase retratada no filme e diga o tempo verbal em que a mesma se encontra. Reescreva essa mesma frase na forma interrogativa ou afirmativa.

I am a Teacher.(Forma Afirmativa)

Am I a Teacher ? (Forma Interrogativa)

I am not a Teacher (Forma Negativa)

4) Detaque do filme pelo menos 05 palavras e encontre sinonimos para as mesmas.

Book-Work (sinonimo)

While-however (sinônimo)

University-Course (sinônimo)

Family-House (sinônimo)

Game-Bet (sinônimo)


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