Encontro Pokemon
Exames: Encontro Pokemon. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: pedro02 • 12/10/2014 • 1.046 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 315 Visualizações
As with any other Pokémon game, you are introduced to the world of Pokémon by a Professor. You choose the option to be a boy/girl, then choose your name. You will be unable to choose the names of your many rivals however.
To start the game, you are in a dream. You are standing amidst legendary Pokémon: Arceus is surrounded by Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia. They seem to be taking turns hitting Arceus. Eventually Arceus disappears and you wake up. Head down the stairs, but before you can, your mom will tell you to set your clock. Head out outside and you will be confronted by Kaori, the champion of the Zhery League. He asks you to come with him to Central City, flying on his Salamance.
When you reach Central City, Kaori leads you to Professor Jasmine and Ash Ketchum. There is a tablet in some sort of hole. Jasmine asks you to read translate since you know the ancient language called Alpha. After reading it, Jasmine wants to make sure no one (evil) can get their hands on it. Kaori summons Empoleon and fills the hole with water. Kaori and Ash will leave, when suddenly a Team Steam grunt attacks Jasmine. She asks you to pick a Pokémon from the bag:
Charmander [lvl 5]
Squirtle [lvl 5]
-Tail Whip
Bulbasaur [lvl 5]
Team Steam grunt:
>Poocheyena [lvl 2]
After the confrontation, Jasmine will allow you to keep the Pokémon you just fought with. Nickname him/her, and then she will take you back to her lab in Yellow Town. Jasmine wants you to talk to Professor Oak who is at Marfeny Lake, which is to the east of Central City. Talk to her for one last time, and she will give you some Pokeballs.
-Elekid at the top room of Lab (use stairs); if you say no, the pokeball containing Elekid will disappear.
-Thunderstone - talk to boy in the house on the South-West of town.
-Max Potion - talk to girl in South-West of town.
Route 401
Bug Catcher Jose:
>Caterpie [lvl 4]
>Caterpie [lvl 4]
>Venipede [lvl 4]
>Venipede [lvl 4]
Youngster Juan:
>Poocheyena [lvl 4]
>Spearow [lvl 5]
>Electrike [lvl 4]
>Pidgey [lvl 5]
>Blitzle [lvl 5]
Bug Catcher Matt:
>Kricketot [lvl 5]
>Caterpie [lvl 5]
>Venipede [lvl 5]
>Caterpie [lvl 5]
>Caterpie [lvl 5]
Potion (x2)
TM - Thief
Pokémon (lvl 2-3)
Central City
Not much to do here. Stock up on some antidotes for later on. Visit the Safari Zone and catch Pokémon from the Marsh, Field, Ice, and Desert zones.
-Ultra ball - talk to the old man sitting on the bench by the entrance of Central City.
-Amulet Coin - talk to the people in the house with the Shinx in front of it.
-Growlithe - talk to the man with lab coat standing next to the Safari Zone building.
-TM 01 - talk to the man running next his Croagunk near the Pokemart
-Contest Pass - talk to the lady with the white hat in the Contest Hall.
Head out east towards Marfeny Lake!
Marfeny Lake
Lass Marina:
>Croagunk [lvl 5]
>Spearow [lvl 6]
>Bidoof [lvl 6]
>Starly [lvl 6]
>Blitzle [lvl 6]
Youngster Kaio:
>Stunky [lvl 8]
>Stunky [lvl 9]
>Shinx [lvl 9]
>Pacharisu [lvl 10]
Super potion
Water stone
Croagunk [lvl 2-3]
Nincada [lvl 3]
Pidove [lvl 2-4]
Poocheyena [lvl 3-4]
Shinx [lvl 4]
Walk east and you will find Professor Oak talking to Kenta about Feebas. Kenta, excited, catches one Feebas. The other Feebas attacks Oak! You intervene and fight the Feebas [lvl 3]. You can either defeat it or catch it. It is recommended you catch it and use