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Environmental Perils Our Planet

Exames: Environmental Perils Our Planet. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  20/11/2014  •  368 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  318 Visualizações

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• Identify and describe the main environmental threats today;

• Mention its sources and causes;

• Mention its effects;

• Mention some environmental disasters that occurred over the last 10 years;

• Mention some endangered species and their habitat;

• State your view on consumption and consumerism in our society;

• Recognize the main problems affecting the world population today;

• State the advantages and disadvantages of immigration;

• Recognize the importance of recycling;

• Mention some environmental organizations and their crucial role;

• Enumerate some adopted policies to solve the world’s environmental problems;

• Mention your personal behaviour towards the environment.


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