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Exercicios De Ingles - Pronomes E Verbos

Trabalho Universitário: Exercicios De Ingles - Pronomes E Verbos. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  16/4/2014  •  294 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  1.333 Visualizações

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Marque, dentre as alternativas abaixo, qual o pronome possessivo adjetivo que substitui corretamente "joana" na frase: Joana's bus is leaving at 4 o'clock.

a) his bus is leaving at 4 o'clock.

b) your bus is leaving at 4 o'clock.

c) her bus is leaving at 4 o'clock.

d) hers bus is leaving at 4 o'clock.

e) our bus is leaving at 4 o'clock.

Complete a frase corretamente com o pronome pessoal do caso oblíquo: Take these books and put _____ in the table.

a) it

b) them

c) their

d) its

e) that

Escolha a alternativa correta que preenche a lacuna da frase: Mr. John's secretary was ill last week, so he had to type the letters _____.

a) yourself

b) themself

c) herself

d) itself

e) himself

Complete a lacuna da frase com o Pronome Possessivo Substantivo correto: I've already done my homework. Have you done _____?

a) yours

b) your

c) its

d) it

e) theirs

Complete a lacuna da frase com o Pronome Demonstrativo correto: Who is ____ woman over there?

a) this

b) those

c) these

d) that

e) it

Marque a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase: Be quiet, please! Someone _____ upstairs. I can hear the steps distinctly.

a) will walk

b) walked

c) has walked

d) walks

e) walking

Marque a alternativa correta que preenche a lacuna da seguinte frase: I know Alice _______ in the garden at this moment.

a) has worked

b) is working

c) works

d) was working

e) has been working

Marque a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase: Our English teacher ______ (to spend) the afternoon reading yesterday.

a) spended

b) was spent

c) spent

d) has spent

e) did spend


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