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Exercícios De Inglês

Trabalho Escolar: Exercícios De Inglês. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  16/9/2013  •  1.660 Palavras (7 Páginas)  •  474 Visualizações

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Read the text below to answer from QUESTION 01 up to 05.

Pope’s Trip to Brazil Seen as ‘Strong Start’ in Revitalizing Church

Pope Francis celebrated the last Mass of his trip to Brazil on Sunday, July 28th, 2013 to more than a million gathered people on the beach of Rio de Janeiro. The national flags of Catholics from around the world hoisted in the air as a chorus of Brazilian priests belted out songs to the multitude. It was a vibrant display of the Vatican’s ambition of halting the losses of worshipers to evangelical churches and the rising appeal of secularism.

By various measures, Francis’s first international trip since he was named pope this year was a success. The 76-year-old Argentine, a Jesuit who is the first pope from the Americas, was greeted like a rock

star by attendees to a conference of Catholic youth. He urged people to combat corruption, a top grievance in the protests shaking Brazil, and called on bishops to focus on the pragmatic needs of congregants, shifting emphasis from the abuse scandals that have plagued the Vatican for years.

Excerpt taken from a Factual Description at

(Access on July 28th, 2013)


The text was extracted from

A) a testimonial.

B) a website.

C) an excerpt.

D) an article.

E) a diagram.


The text textual genre is

A) a testimonial.

B) a website.

C) a factual description.

D) an excerpt.

E) a diagram.


The word ‘it’, line 07, refers to

A) the last Mass.

B) the multitude.

C) the national flags.

D) the Pope’s trip.

E) a vibrant display.


The word ‘grievance’, line 16, could be translated in context as being

A) relato.

B) manifesto.

C) queixa.

D) cobiça.

E) necessidade.


The word ‘halting’, line 08, could be defined as

A) to start doing things to get better concrete results.

B) to ensure something will certain happen in brief.

C) to halt and begin to reverse the spread of countries.

D) to succeed in finishing something or reaching a goal.

E) to (cause to) stop moving or doing something.

Read the text below to answer QUESTIONS 06 and 07.

Building Peace in the Minds of Men and Women.

UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and worldwide peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO’S mission and activities.

Adapted from:

(Accessed on July 22nd, 2013)


The acronym UNESCO stands for:

A) United Nations for English, Swedish and Croatian Organizations.

B) United Nations Environment, Science and Culture Organization.

C) Useful Numbers and Experiences to Save Current Organizations.

D) United Nations Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

E) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


The words ‘sustainable development’ can be classified in their part of speech as being respectively:

A) adjective and verb.

B) adverb and noun.

C) noun and adjective.

D) adjective and noun.

E) adverb and adjective.

Read the ideas below to answer QUESTIONS 08 and 09

and decide if they are good (G) or bad (B) for the planet.

( ) Have a shower, not a bath. You use up to 50 liters less water that way. Power showers, however, can use up as much water as a bath.

( ) Use plastic instead of paper because it doesn’t biodegrade, nor break down naturally, and cannot be recycled without using a lot of energy. It also releases harmful gases into the atmosphere which cause global warming.

( ) Cut the temperature on your washing machine to 30°. Soap powders are now available for laundry at low temperatures and are just as effective.

( ) Don't leave your television, computer or other electrical appliances on standby or mobile phone chargers plugged in. All those little red lights are using electricity.

( ) Be in favor of deforestation


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