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Laura Palmer

Trabalho Universitário: Laura Palmer. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  30/6/2014  •  12.111 Palavras (49 Páginas)  •  470 Visualizações

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The Secret Diary Of Laura Palmer


Laura Palmer

Publisher unknown

isbn unknown

Copyright 1990

Dear Diary, July 22, 1984

My name is Laura Palmer, and as of just three short minutes ago, I

officially turned twelve years old! It is July 22, I984, and I have

had such a good day! You were the last gift I opened and I could

hardly wait to come upstairs and start to tell you all about myself and

my family. You shall be the one I confide in the most. I promise to

tell you everything that happens, everything I feel, everything I

desire. And, every single thing I think. There are some things I

can't tell anyone. I promise to tell these things to you.

Anyway, when I came down for breakfast this morning, I saw that Mom had

hung streamers all through the house, and even Dad put on a party hat

and tooted away on a kazoo for a while. I didn1t think Donna and I

would ever stop laughing!

Oh, Donna is my very best friend in the whole world. Her last name is

Hayward, and her father, Dr. Hayward, delivered me twelve years ago

today! I can't believe I finally made it. Mom cried at the table

because she said before I know it I'll be a grown-up woman. Yeah,

sure. It's going to take years for me to even get my period, I just

know it. She's crazy if she thinks I'll be grown-up in no time,

especially if she keeps giving me stuffed animals for my birthday!

Today was just the way I wanted it to be, with only Donna and Mom and

Dad there. And Jupiter, my cat, of course. For breakfast we had apple

pancakes, which are my favorite, with lots of maple syrup and sourdough


Donna gave me the blouse I saw in the window at Horne's Department

Store, and I know she bought it with her allowances because she was

saving all of them for a long time and wouldn't tell me why. It's the

most beautiful blouse you've ever seen! It is white and silky and has

tiny embroidered roses all over it, but not so many that it looks


It's just perfect. On Donna's birthday, I'm going to get her something

extra special too.

My cousin Madeline, Maddy for short, is visiting tomorrow for a whole

week. She and Donna and I are going to build a fort in the woods and

camp out if Mom will let us. I know Dad will. He likes the woods as

much as I do. One night I had a dream that Dad moved us to a house

deep in the woods and my bedroom had a big tree outside the window with

two songbirds nesting there.

I'll be back in a minute, Diary, Dad is calling to me from


He says he has a surprise! I'll tell you everything when I get back!

Love, Laura Dear Diary, July 22, 1984, later You will never ever

believe what just happened! I went downstairs and Dad told Mom and I

to get in the car and not to ask any questions until we got to where we

were going. Of course, Mom asked questions the whole way. I didn't

mind because I thought maybe something would slip out of Dad's mouth,

but it didn't. I just kept quiet so that I wouldn't lose my


When we pulled up to The Broken Circle Stables, I knew! Daddy bought

me a pony! Diary, he is so beautiful, much more beautiful than I could

ever have dreamed. His colors are cinnamon red and deep brown, and his

eyes are big and sweet. Mom couldn't believe it when she saw it and

she started asking Dad how he managed to do it without anyone


Dad said it would ruin the surprise if she knew, and he's right.

Mom nearly had a heart attack when she saw me underneath the pony's

legs to find out if it was a boy or a girl. I barely had to look to

find out that it was a boy. Like I've never seen one of those


Mom doesn't know her little girl the way she thinks she does, hmmm?

Back to my pony. I decided his name should be Troy, like the pony in

Mrs. Larkin's photo book. Zippy, who works at the stables, said he

would make a nameplate for me that says TROY in big letters, and he'll

hang it right in front so that everyone will know his name when they

see him. Troy is still too young to ride, but in two months I'll be

able to get on and just race


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