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O Projeto Basico 2 Wise up

Por:   •  29/5/2019  •  Resenha  •  364 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  4.138 Visualizações

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Basic 2


Yuri Reis Torres


Written Project

  1. Talk about yourself:

Hello! My name is Yuri and I’m 24 years old. I am Brazilian and I live with my parents in an apartment in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. I am administrator and I started my second degree in accounting. I am skinny, I have brown hair and brown eyes. I have one brother and a beautiful girlfriend. Family, friendship and money are important to me. I like to draw, to walk around the city and get to know tourist spots like the museum, to watch super hero movies, enjoy the beach and to make BBQs.

  1. Describe your routine:

In my new routine, I wake up at 6 a.m. and I go to the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. At 9 a.m. I start to work. Every Tuesday and Thursday I have English classes at 6:30 p.m. On weekends I meet my girlfriend. We like to travel together, to try craft beers and we also like to run together. I don’t like the distance between us. She lives in Rio de Janeiro and I don’t like to take a bus every time I go to visit her. This month I'm starting in a new job in the finance area of ​​SulAmérica Seguros.

  1. Analyse your priorities:

        I am currently focused on my new job, so my priorities are to study English and improve my professional skills. I like to study and improve my knowledge, but I don’t like it when I cannot finish my demands. My mission is to give back to my family everything they do for me, because they believe in my potential, in my dreams and support my choices.

  1. Draw a conclusion

I like changes, I'm even changing my priorities these days. In my opinion, life is always changing, and I must adapt to it and always try to develop and learn. In order to complete my mission statement, I must dedicate myself as much as possible in my new professional area, so that I can have a solid career and a stable financial life to be able to return the dedication to my family in the future.


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