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Processamento De Informaçao

Artigo: Processamento De Informaçao. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  16/4/2014  •  201 Palavras (1 Páginas)  •  293 Visualizações

Developed by the Automotive Industry Action Group and developed in association with Ford, General Motors and Chrysler.

The purpose is to improve the automotive component supply chain for both the suppliers and the large automobile companies that form their customer base. 

The agreements provide written evidence that the supplier understands the performance requirements and specifications needed by the customer, and that the supplier can provide the requested number of component parts within a specified time frame and for a specified price.

Applies to all automotive industry suppliers .

Required anytime a new part or a change to an existing part or process is being planned .

Must be submitted from a significant production run, which is identified in PPAP standard as 300 consecutive pieces sampled randomly.

Some of the 18 PPAP elements include other documents like Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis(DFMEA), Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis(PFMEA) and Measurement System Analysis Studies(MSA).

The elements of PPAP are:

Design Records

Authorized Engineering Change (note) Documents

Customer Engineering Approval, if required.

Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)

Process Flow Diagram

Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA)

Control Plans

Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)

Dimensional Results

Records of Material / Performance Test Results

Initial Process Studies

Qualified Laboratory Documentation

Appearance Approval Report (AAR)

Sample Production Parts

Master Sample

Checking Aids

Customer-Specific Requirements

Part Submission Warrant (PSW)


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