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Resenha Do Livro "A Cabana" Em Inglês

Artigos Científicos: Resenha Do Livro "A Cabana" Em Inglês. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  30/3/2014  •  539 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  6.065 Visualizações

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A Cabana

“A Cabana” tells the story of Mackenzie Allen Phillips, who is a married man and have two daughters and three sons. Mack, as it is called, has suffered for a long time because on a family trip, his youngest daughter, Melissa, disappeared. He was never very religious, and since the loss of Missy, way in which they called the girl, their relationship with God deteriorated. After four years missing, Mack receives a mysterious note signed by God, inviting him back to the place where her daughter had been kidnapped and killed, a hut of very difficult access to the city of Joseph. Even not taking faith, mack was for the place. There he meets God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit together in the cabin and they talk about things related to his life and death of her daughter Missy.

Willie, is a friend of Mack's who narrates the story and thus relates what happened to his friend during his stay at the hut.

Mack decides to do a holiday tour with Missy, Josh and Kate, they go to a reserve in the town of Joseph. The canoe that Kate and Josh were, capsized. Mack takes off sprinting to save Josh and Kate, leaving Missy alone near the trailer. When they return, they not found Missy, and so, is beginning a search for the girl.

Authorities are searching one ladybug broxe with specific details that the FBI after examining perceives to be the signature of a mysterious killer whom nothing was known except that peculiar signature. Sometime later discovers an old cabin, where they find the dress that the girl was wearing and blood ...

Years pass and one day comes a single ticket for Mack in which the signer, "Daddy" ,invited him to return to the cabin. Mack decides to say nothing to your family because it is a painful subject but, asks his friend Willie borrowed the jeep, and go to the place.

After reaching the hut and meet with the God, Mack goes through a process of approaching. Gradually Mackenzie was accepting and learning to cope with the tragedy that shook not only his life but that of his entire family. Dad was actually an affectionate way in which Nan used to call God.

Near the end of his stay in the hut with the Holy Trinity, God decides to take him for a ride - an this time that Mackenzie had already gone through many experiences and changed very much - this tour would be the final part of his journey in the hut, they shows for Mack where was Missy's body.

When Mack retonava their residence, suffers a car accident and spends days hospitalized in serious condition at a hospital. To the surprise of Mack, he never arrived at the hut ... He spent three days in hospital in a state of deep coma. But after recovering, along with police from Joseph, he goes to the place where he stood with God to rescue the body of Melissa and, to the amazement of all, was there! Some time later, the police, through the clues found at the site where the body was hidden by Missy´s Killer, can make the arrest him.


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