Sistema de computador
Tese: Sistema de computador. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: veraemi • 5/3/2014 • Tese • 486 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 467 Visualizações
Leia o texto abaixo atentamente:
Do you know what a computer system is? The computer system executes all the function of a computer. A standard computer system consist of three basic parts or sections: input, a processor unit, and the outputs units.
The function of the input unit is to accept both the data and the programs needed for processing and to present them to the processor unit. The processor unit stores and processes the data, and the output units display the results obtained from processing.
The most commom input units are the keyboard and the mouse. These devices enable data to go into the computer’s memory.
The processor unit is devided into two main parts: the Central Processing Unit ( the CPU) and the main storage unit ( the main memory). The Central Processing Unit is considered the most important component of the computer system. In other words, the CPU is the brain of the computer. It carries out program instructions and coordinates all the activities of the other units. The main memory holds the instructions and the data which are currently being processed by the CPU.
All computers have a type of auxiliary, or extra, storage device: floppy or hard disks. These devices provide permanent storage of both data and programs. Disk drives are used to handle one or more floppy disks. (a.k.a.diskettes).
Outputs units enable us to extract the finished product from the system. The computer either shows the output on the monitor screen or prints the results onto paper by means of a printer.
The peripherals are the physical units connected to the computer. They include both input and output devices as well as storage devices. Peripherals such as a mouse, modems,scanners, optical devices, printers, keyboards,loudspeakers,etc., are plugged into the parts on the rear panel of the computer.
The peripheral set of a computer system is also known as the configuration. Regardless of appearance, cost, or size, all computers have the same basic cycle, are made up of the some basic parts, and perform the same types of operations.
Responda as perguntas que seguem em português:
1- O que faz um sistema de computador?
2- Em quantas partes se divide?
3- Qual é a função da unidade de entrada?
4- Como isso funciona?
5- Quais os componentes da unidade de entrada?
6- Em quantas partes é divida a unidade de processo?
7- Mencione todas as informações mencionadas no texto sobre a CPU.
8- Como também são chamados os discos rígidos e para que são utilizados?
9- Para que servem as unidades de saída?
10- De que forma o computador mostra os seus resultados?
11- O que são periféricos? O que é dito sobre eles no texto?
12- O que é chamado de configuração?
13- De acordo com o texto, que características permitem que um computador seja diferenciado?
14- Por que