Trabalhos Focus. Tema: Beauty
Ensaios: Trabalhos Focus. Tema: Beauty. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: ArianneDavid • 31/7/2014 • 2.101 Palavras (9 Páginas) • 287 Visualizações
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................3
2. HAIR.....................................................................................................4
2.1. Phases of the moon……………………………………4
2.2. Hair straightener and babyliss………………………...4
2.3. Summer………………………………………………….4
2.4. In the bath……………………………………………….4
3. BEAUTY STEREOTYPE.......................................................................5
4. SKIN......................................................................................................7
5. MAKEUP................................................................................................8
5.1.Makeup foundation……………………………………....8
5.2. Eyes and lips…………………………………………….8
6. PLASTIC SURGERY...............................................................................10
6.2.Face surgeries………………………………………………11
6.3.Abdomen surgery…………………………………………...11
6.4.Artists and their surgeries………………………………….11
6.5.Bizarre plastic surgeries……………………………………12
The feminine beauty enchants and attracts the attention of people, especially men.
Being beautiful and healthy is not only function of a genetic inheritance: you can do a lot for your health and beauty through your actions. Cultivate healthy habits and take care of your beauty is the secret to having a better life.
The beauty hadn’t only positive sides, are brought to it obsessions, mental illness and futility.
2.1. Phases of the moon.
Liking it or not, the hair is the most important thing about beauty, it leaves your appearance highlighted. We found that the phases of the moon interfere on the hair when they are cut, for example: on the new moon and crescent moon, the hair grows faster. The full moon makes it with volume. In the waning moon it grows slowly.
2.2. Hair straightener and babyliss.
It is very important that you leave the temperature around 180º degrees , this serves to avoid damaging the hair; bet on the thermal protector and never use them on wet hair or very brittle hair. In dyed hair, a hair straightener can lighten the hair and dry it. So it is recommended to hydratation of at least 15 to 15 days. For colored hair,it is also recommended not to wash them every day because the paint will get out easier, but if your hair is oily, the tip is to wash your hair with specific products.
2.3. Summer.
When you go to the beach, wash your hair with mineral water after leaving the sea. This way, the hair does not dry, and the same for the pool, because if the mineral water is in your hair, the chemical product of the pool does not penetrate in the hair.
2.4. In the bath.
The hot water can dry out the hair, leaving the famous frizz and taking out the brightness.
The beauty stereotype is sold by the media, which makes us believe that following a determined model of beauty is a way to happiness. Some people that have low self-esteem feel more difficulties to deal with these differences.
It’s important to understand that there is a big difference between feeling good with your body, and getting your body perfect to the other people, so the second option involves the necessity of acceptance.
All these things are happening, because the industries related to the aesthetics and beauty which needs to earn money. The unhappiness with the body affects women. Seven in ten women give up of doing something when they feel ugly, like going to the beach, going to a party.
There is a pressure with beauty, but the women undergo this sacrifice more to compete with women than to pleasant the man. On other views, if there is nothing attractive in a woman, she will be hardly attracted. Beauty is important, but loving what you see in the mirror every day is a beautiful way to happiness.
A study demonstrated that, as opposed to men, always attracted by the same characteristics in females, women do not agree when they evaluate the opposite sex. The women can’t arrive at an agreement on their preferences. They frequently suffer from eating disorders in an attempt to match the pictures frequently 'unreal' that are published in the magazines or on the television show. In addition to a imagined figure, older men preferred women who smiled and transmitted security with the look. Females already showed significantly more discordant: according to psychologists, thinness was the only physical trace constant in men’s preference, but just for the look of harmony in the image and rarely due to a sensuous attraction.