Usando um presente simples
Resenha: Usando um presente simples. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: DIGOUS • 19/8/2014 • Resenha • 200 Palavras (1 Páginas) • 430 Visualizações
The present simple (also simple present) is the grammatical tense expressing actions which take place in the present or future. It is used similar to presente simples do indicativo, presente do subjuntivo and futuro simples do subjuntivo in Portuguese language.
O present simples (também chamado de simple present) é o tempo gramatical expressando ações que têm lugar no presente ou futuro. Ele é usado similarmente ao presente simples do indicativo, presente do subjuntivo e futuro simples do subjuntivo na língua portuguesa.
Uses of Simple present[editar]
Usos do Presente Simples
The present simple is used for describing general truths, facts and scientific laws. O present simple é usado para descrever geralmente verdades, fatos e leis científicas.
I live in London.
You live in London.
He lives in London.
She lives in London.
It lives in London.
We live in London.
You live in London.
They live in London.
Negativa (Negative form)[editar]
Conjugate the helping verb 'do' + not (don't and doesn't) + the base form of the verb to make negatives.
1. Negative long form / Negativa extensa
I don´t (do not) live in London.
You don´t (do not) live in London.
He doesn´t (does not) live in London.
She doesn´t (does not) live in London.
It doesn´t (does not) live in London.
We don´t (do not) live in London.
You don´t (do not) live in London.
They don´t (do not) live in London.
2. Negative short form / Negativa contraída
I don't live in London.
You don't live in London.
He doesn't live in London.
She doesn't live in London.
It doesn't live in London.
We don't live in London.
You don't live in London.
They don't live in London.