Writing Sobre Bullying
Por: thethethe • 17/11/2019 • Resenha • 321 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 258 Visualizações
Sometimes, when I was a child, I suffered with kiddings of my classmates. But I do not think it could be considered bullying because it was not with frequency and actually bullying is too hard from my point of view. Furthermore, I always had a great support of my parents, so they helped me to understand that no one could say something about me that was not the truth, that was not what I and people who love me know that was my reality. I prefered ignoring people like that or facing to show that what they were talking about me didn’t matter to me, only people who love me were important for me. So I considered that, besides the school, it is very important parents bringing up their children with self love and confidence, in this way they can face the provocations, and parents also need to bring up the children with respect and tolerance to the differences, as well as being able to deal with their anger, because thinking this way they will not bully other people when they are children and when they grow up too, because there is bullying in adulthood.
Talking about children's life is fundamental too. Asking them to talk about school is helpful. Let them speak in their time, sometimes is necessary a little time to share feelings linked to bullying or too much time to have courage. Parents need to be patient and they have to give a good example, don’t treat anyone with contempt or disrespect, children see it and can reproduce it.
On the other hand, when bullying has already happened or is still happening, it is essential to have the help of a professional, such as psychologists. Both of school and out of there.
If parents know or distrust something related to bullying, they have to act to help their children, do you agree with me? This is our question for you.