Casos: DANÇAS ANGOLANAS. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: evapolenha • 13/12/2014 • 248 Palavras (1 Páginas) • 249 Visualizações
Angolan dances
Most dances were influenced by the Angolan tribal dances, celebrating birth, death or just for fun. They moved in groups, dancing at the sound of drums.
From these dances others came up, like:
Semba - a traditional type of music from Angola. The name comes from the singular Masemba, meaning "a touch of the bellies". It is danced by a couple and people move fast. Famous singers are Bonga ( He is the creator of the song ‘’Mariquinha) and Eduardo Paim.
Tarraxinha is an Angolan dance too. It Is also danced by a couple. Dancers move very slowly, getting more sexual. It is a very dangerous dance, because men try to take advantage of the movements. One of the most famous singers is C4 Pedro and Dj znobia.
Kuduro is an original dance born in Angola, Luanda in the 80's. It comes from groups of teens, having fun in the streets. Kuduro is a mixture of Semba, Sungura and Kilapanga, which are traditional dances. Tony Amado is the king of kuduro, he invented it.
Afro-house is a mixture of kuduro and house. The rhythm is repeated many times and the sentences are short. The most famous group is the Pilukas.
Rock Duro is a mixture of rock and kuduro. There is only one band playing this type of music called Throes and the shine.
Kuduro was changed by others cultures to brazilian kuduro, latin kuduro, portuguese kuduro, and others. Neither is similar to the original Angolan dance.