Asjvklamlkm Slkç Srlmv Lj Rf
Artigos Científicos: Asjvklamlkm Slkç Srlmv Lj Rf. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: qscv • 18/8/2014 • 299 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 290 Visualizações
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EohnwribhwojevbnrwjbnewkjnOIWJEIJTIOWENGOUEH894YTUHNHZ KJHPEUIRAIWOGKBSJKGWOIuhrewgjFERGUSON, Mo. — Gov. Jay Nixon announced early Monday that he would deploy the Missouri National Guard to this St. Louis suburb as part of a fresh attempt by the authorities to quell the unrest that has paralyzed the town since an unarmed black teenager was killed by a white police officer.
Mr. Nixon said in a statement that he chose to activate the National Guard because of “deliberate, coordinated and intensifying violent acts.”
“Tonight, a day of hope, prayers and peaceful protests was marred by the violent criminal acts of an organized and growing number of individuals, many from outside the community and state, whose actions are putting the residents and businesses of Ferguson at risk,” Mr. Nixon said.
The governor’s decision came after the worst night of violence since the unrest began.
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