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Coréia do Norte

Resenha: Coréia do Norte. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  19/8/2014  •  Resenha  •  230 Palavras (1 Páginas)  •  437 Visualizações

North Korea withdraws two missile launch platform, according to U.S.

Washington, 6 may (EFE) - North Korea withdrew two missile a launch platform located on the east of country

and have led them to the facilities where they stored the missiles, according to U.S. government informant to TV networks "CNN" and "CBS".

The medium-range missiles Musudan placed in April on the launch pad, generated fears for weeks because

of threats from the North Korean regime to attack South Korea and the United States.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, warned however that the missiles are mobile, so the fact that they have been moved out

of the launch platform does not mean they can not be put soon on another platform and fired without warning preliminary, reported channel "CBS".

In a conference call with reporters, the director of Asian affairs in the White House, Daniel Russel, urged caution because "the decision to launch missiles

or not remains corresponding to North Korea, and as we do not know if they plan to do it, it is premature to celebrate this as good news"

In April, the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, threatened to attack South Korea, Japan and the islands of Guam and Hawaii,

and even the west coast of the continental U.S.,leading the United States to respond by sending to the Western Pacific McCain and the destroyers

Decatur and a sophisticated missile defense system.



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